


The Themes and Experience of Savoring in Writing from College Students


鄭曉楓(Hsiao-Feng Cheng)


主題分析法 ; 正向情緒 ; 品味 ; 書寫經驗 ; positive emotions ; savoring ; thematic analysis ; writing experience




6卷1期(2018 / 11 / 01)


111 - 144






The purpose of this study was to understand the themes of savoring and related changes after weekly diary writing. The participants consisted of 34 college students, of whom 25 were males and 9 were females, with the average age of 20. They were asked to complete 15 minutes of weekly diaries in paper and pen for seven weeks. In the 8th week, each participant took 15 minutes to write a report in terms of what they have changed and learned after the diary-writing. A total of 238 diaries and 34 reports were obtained and analyzed using the "thematic analysis method" of qualitative research. Results of this study extracted four themes of savoring contents. According to the proportion of occurrence, they were "contrast", "connection", "mindset" and "lucky". Further, "mindset" was divided into "awareness" and "being with oneself", and "lucky" was divided into "positive surprise" and "expectation comes true". The changes after the diary-writing were as follows. In the domain of emotional transformation, emotions were deepened, sustained and regulated. In the domain of thoughts and actions, more optimistic, sympathetic and altruistic were shown. In the domain of obstacles and dilemmas, there could create some myths or confusion in savoring. According to results of this study, suggestions were made.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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