


Attachment, Public Self-Consciousness, and Solitude: Examining Mediating Effects among Male and Female Young Adult


李欣潔(Hsin-Chieh Li);王櫻芬(Ying-Fen Wang)


成年早期 ; 父母依附 ; 公眾自我意識 ; 獨處經驗 ; early adulthood ; experience of solitude ; parental attachment ; public self-consciousness




8卷1期(2020 / 11 / 01)


1 - 30






The purpose of this present study was to examine mediating effects of public self-consciousness on the attachment-solitude link among male and female young adult. A sample of 412 youth adults (147 male and 265 female) was recruited. Measurements adopted in this study were the Scale of Relationships Structures Questionnaire-Chinese, the Scale of Self-Consciousness Scale, and the Scale of Solitude Experience. The data were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling. Findings of the current study were listed below. 1. There existed significant gender differences on levels of public self-consciousness and positive experience of solitude. Specifically, female youth adults reported higher levels of public self-consciousness and of positive experience of solitude than male participants did. 2. There existed significant age differences on levels of public self-consciousness and negative experience of solitude. Specifically, 21-15 year-old participants reported higher levels of public self-consciousness and of negative experience of solitude than participants from other age groups did. 3. Public self-consciousness significantly mediated the link between attachment and negative experiences of solitude. Surprisingly, public self-consciousness was not significantly mediated the link between attachment and positive experience of solitude. According to findings, the authors suggest that future studies should respectively explore contributions of psychological factors on positive emotional experiences and negative emotional experiences of solitude. Finally, recommendations for counseling practices are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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