


A Study of the Process and Effect in Horticultural Therapy Group based on Strength-Centered Therapy for Junior High School Students with Intellectual Disability


施靜泓(Shih, Ching-Hung);朱惠瓊(Chu, Hui-Chuang)


國中輕度智能障礙生 ; 優勢中心治療 ; 園藝治療 ; the special education students in junior high schools ; strength-centered therapy ; horticultural therapy




8卷1期(2020 / 11 / 01)


31 - 59






The study was aimed to inquire into the process and effect of horticultural therapy group based on strength-centered therapy for junior high school students with intellectual disability. Four ninth-grade students with intellectual disability were chosen for the study, and participated eight group counselling sessions. Each group session was divided into two parts: horticultural activities and discussions. This study was adopted qualitative method, and then analyzed by template analysis style. The data was included the interview transcription from all members, observer, leader's records of each group sessions. The findings of the study was as follows: 1. The benefits of involvement in the group could be seen in improving attention, positive emotion, self-confidence, language proficiency, and human relationship. 2. According to the research results, the mode of horticultural therapy group based on strength-centered therapy for junior high school students with intellectual disability were then provided. 3. The integration of horticultural therapy with group counselling meets the needs of different members. 4. To shift the focus toward promoting character strengths can improve self-confidence for students with intellectual disability. Finally, based on research results recommendations for practice and further research were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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