


The effects and experiences of applying Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing of novice group therapists




李素芬(Su-Fen Lee)


心理位移 ; 心理位移書寫法 ; 新手團體諮商師 ; psychological displacement ; psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing(PDPD) ; novice group therapists




11卷1期(2023 / 05 / 01)


32 - 63






The purpose of this study is to explore the effects and experiences of applying Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing (PDPD) to novice group therapists. Participants were 30 novice group therapists. After six PDPD writings, they received a one-hour individual interview. The time for these interviews is about 30 hours. The transcripts of these interviews are used as the raw data. The procedures of data analysis included open coding, axial coding, and selective coding from grounded theory. The results are as follows: I. The experiences of PDPD: (1) Using first-person pronoun, I : subjective description, real feelings, more emotions, and negative evaluation. (2) Using second-person pronoun, you: empathy and comfort, care and support, judgment and blame, and rational reflection. (3) Using third-person pronoun, he: calmness and observing, objectivity and analysis, having a broader perspective, as well as adjusting changes. (4) Returns to first-person pronoun, I: emotional release, feeling balance, positive power, and triggering changes. II. The effects on personal level: (1) Self-awareness and self-understanding. (2) Emotional adjustment and release. (3) Nurturing self-confidence and empowering self. (4) Balancing the opposites. (5) Self-acceptance and providing choices. (6) Self-encouragement and reducing self-blame. (7) Self-care and self-healing. III. The effects on the professional group counseling level: (1)Helpful to examine and evaluate the group. (2) Understanding the group concepts about conducting a group. (3) Enhancing the preparation of leading the group. (4) Changing leaders' perspectives of group members and group interaction. (5) Reducing anxiety of leading group. (6) Assisting and facilitating the cooperation of co-leaders. (7) Serving the function of self-supervision. (8) Clarifying and thinking for the difficulties of the group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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