


A Study on Residential Institution Caregivers' Countertransference and Coping Experiences




褚恒箴(Heng-Zhen Chu);方嘉琦(Chia-Chi Fang)


反移情 ; 生輔員 ; 安置機構 ; caregivers ; countertransference ; residential institution




11卷2期(2023 / 11 / 01)


35 - 71






This study aims to explore the experiences of placement caregivers in their awareness and coping with countertransference. The study employed a qualitative research approach using interpretive phenomenology. Interviews were conducted with a sample of six participants, and thematic analysis was utilized to derive the research findings: (1)Sources of countertransference for placement caregivers included personal experiences, issues, and work stress. Countertransference may be triggered by caregivers' impressions and perceptions of clients, interaction with the client, the client's life experience, and the client's transference to the caregivers. Countertransference responses can be summarized by empathic repression and empathic enmeshment. (2)Awareness of countertransference can be achieved through counseling, self-reflection, and feedback from others. The way of managing countertransference is coping now, coping afterwards, shelving or choosing not to respond to the countertransference. (3) Countertransference has various effects, including enhancing the caregiver's awareness and reflective abilities, as well as causing negative emotions and frustrations. Countertransference can also alter the interactions between caregivers and clients, leading to a more objective perspective towards the clients. According to the research results, suggestions were made for the caregivers, placement agencies and future related research in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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