


Motivation of Participants in Leisure and Recreation Activities in Cheng Ching Lake Park, Kaohsiung County




吳國銑(Kuo-Hsien Wu);朱文慶(Wen-Ching Chu);廖國樑(Gun-Yi Hong)


休閒時間 ; 行為 ; 健康 ; leisure time ; behavier ; health




99年度(2010 / 05 / 01)


280 - 286




本研究目的在於瞭解高雄縣澄清湖園區休閒遊憩參與者之參與現況與動機,以自編之「澄清湖園區休閒遊憩參與調查問卷」為研究工具,並以便利取樣之方式進行調查,共計收回有效問卷639份,有效問卷率達96%。研究所得資料以SPSS for Windows 10.0版統計套裝軟體進行分析與處理,以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等進行資料之處理,結果得知:一、澄清湖園區休閒遊憩參與者在人口統計變項現況上,性別以男性稍多;年齡以21-30歲者居多;婚姻狀況以已婚者較多;教育程度以大專/大學者居多;職業類別以無業者居多;月收入以20,001-40,000元以下者居多。二、受訪之澄清湖園區休閒遊憩參與者之參與情形中,參與次數以每週2-3次者居多;每次參與時間以60-120分鐘者居多;最常參與的休閒遊憩以戶外運動居多,交通工具以開車者居多;到達園區所需時間以11-20分所佔的人數居首。三、參與動機各整體構面平均數由高而低的順序為:健康適能需求、社會需求、成就需求、心理需求。四、不同之實足年齡、婚姻狀況、職業類別、平均月收入、每次休閒運動時間等在動機上達顯著差異;不同之性別、教育程度、運動次數、交通工具、到達所需時間等未達顯著差異。


This study aimed to understand the on the motivation of participants in leisure and recreration activities in Cheng Ching Lake Park, Kaohsiung County. With the participants in leisure and recreration activities in Cheng Ching Lake Park, Kaohsiung County as subjects, the author of this research adopted self-compiled ”The Questionnaire for the Survey of motivation and of participants in Leisure and recreation Activities in Cheng Ching Lake Park” as a research tool to facilitate the sampling in the survey. Total 639 effective copies of questionnaire were returned. The return rate was 96%. The data collected from the survey was processed by statistic package software of SPSS for Windows 10.0 version and analyzed by descriptive statistics and analyses, t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1. Regarding the variables of demographical statistics of participants in leisure and sporting activities in Cheng Ching Lake Park, the number of male participants were slightly more than the female participants; most of them are ages 21-30, married, college/university education background and no jobs but have monthly income NT$20,001-40,000. 2. Regarding their current participations in the leisure and sporting activities, most of them participated the activities 2-3 times a week and 60-120 minutes each time, the most frequently participated sports are outdoor sports. Most of participants drove cars and usually took them 11-20 minutes to be in the Lake Park. 3. The order of average scores of the aspects of participation motivation from high to low was as follows: Health and physical fitness, social needs, achievement needs, psychological needs; the order of average scores of the aspects of satisfaction was as follows: physiological aspect, psychological aspect, social aspect and aesthetic feeling aspect. 4. There were significant differences of motivation in ages, marital status, occupations, average monthly income, time for each leisure and sporting activity. 5. There were significant differences of satisfaction in sexes, ages, marital status, occupations, average monthly income, times of sporting activities and time for leisure and sporting activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學