


A Comparison of the Food Image of Cities: Content Analysis of Government Tourism Websites




洪維勵(Wei-Li Hung);林琍華(Li-Haung Lin);掌慶琳(Janet C. Chang)


飲食意象 ; 推廣策略 ; 觀光資訊網 ; 內容分析 ; food image ; promotion strategy ; tourism websites ; content analysis




9卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


55 - 71






The study aims to identify the food image of Keelung, Taichung, and Tainan by analyzing the contents of the government official tourism websites, as well as to examine whether the image revealed from the websites is consistent with their tourism promotion strategy indicated in the master plan. The results show that Keelung emphasized MiaoKou night market and its fresh seafood, while Taichung revealed an international style food image. Its website showed diverse food-related activities, and a variety of night markets and shopping areas. The tourism website of Tainan provided comprehensive information on food-related activities, traditional refreshments, and local food products. In addition, many of its food product were connected with the names of places, which showed the unique food image of Tainan. The food image of Keelung and Tainan presented on the websites were mostly consistent with their promotion strategy. However, the tourism website of Taichung City did not stress the image of night market snacks and traditional cakes that were supposed to promote. All the selected websites did not make good use of the advantages of internet. The study suggests that local government should pay more attention on internet marketing, and the consistency of the websites contents and its tourism policy.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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