


The Waste Analysis of Chain Foodservice Operations in Taiwan




林希軒(Si-Shyun Lin);張惠雯(Hui-Wen Chang);林慧生(Hwei-Shen Lin)


連鎖餐飲業 ; 每餐餐飲廢棄物 ; 未堆疊體積 ; 廢棄物回收與分類 ; Chain Foodservice Operation ; Waste per meal ; Collapsed volume ; Waste sorting and recycling




10卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


47 - 68






Thewastes generated by the foodservice operations have been growing alongwith the foodservice business. The increasing amount of foodservicewaste has severed the already serious situations of the waste management, the saturation of the existed land fill space and the difficulty in obtainingnew sites for both land fill and incineration fields in Taiwan. It is also aware that thestudy of the sustainable development for hospitalityindustry has also gained its momentum recently, accelerated by theimpact of the global warming and the increasing eco-awareness ofconsumers. In this study, the profiles analysis of the wastes generated in three foodservice operationchains: coffee chain, fast food chain, and Chinese beef noodle chain, were conducted. The results indicated that the Chinese beef noodle store generated the highest waste per meal, while coffee chain had the higher volume of the waste than the other two chains. It's also observed that most of the wastes generated in these restaurants were not adequately sorted and recycled. Some methods and suggestions for the improvement in foodservice waste reduction are brought to the attention of foodservice operators and government. Future research topics are also suggested.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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