Chefs have to be professional in culinary arts. They need to promote their professional ethics as well. It is one of the most important issues in the restaurant management. The executive chef plays an important role in the course of restaurant management. However, researches on immoral behaviors of chefs have not discussed deeply. The purpose of this study is to conduct in-depth interviews and analysis through the content analysis of qualitative phenomenology. It generalizes five factors of immoral behaviors of kitchen staff: work environment (field), chefs' internal intention, acts of causes, differences in terms of years of service, and losses of company or customer interests. The results of the analysis show that the factors of immoral behaviors of chefs are personal factors (the sake of convenience, poor hygiene habits, and bad personal attitude towards work), customer factors (potential profits and losses of customer interest), colleagues and organizational factors (lack of abilities, poor relationship between colleagues, and losses of company interest), and professional factors (bad attitude towards work, improper use and management of food preparation, improper use and management of kitchen equipment). It will have a "negative impact" on customers and companies due to their immoral behaviors. As a result, this study classifies the results of these behaviors into 56 items as follows: the waste of energy (water, electricity and gas), improper use of kitchen tools, professional loyalty and competence, loyalty to employers, negligence, conflict of interest, mutual interference between colleagues, orders of food preservation, hospitality, obsession of humanity, the wrong ways of food preservation, improper maintenance of kitchen equipment and so on. According to results of this research, it provides the common chefs' immoral behaviors in the catering industry as references to follow-up researches and implications of restaurant management.
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細數台灣史上重大食安事件黑心廠商良心在哪(2015,12月7日)。中時電子報。取自 http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20151207 004525-260405