


The Religious Wellness Tourism Model for Senior Citizens




蘇子炘(Tzu-Hsin Su);陳淑慧(Shu-Hui Chen);溫忠憲(Zhong-Xian Wen);廖子瑢(Zi-Rong Liao)


樂齡族 ; 宗教 ; 安康旅遊 ; Senior Citizens ; Religious ; Wellness Tourism




16卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


81 - 101




臺灣目前65歲以上的老年人口比例至2019年7月已達14.9%,共計3,524,098人,由於安康旅遊強調旅遊活動及促進身心健康兩種特性,因此本研究主要是針對樂齡族探討宗教安康旅遊的感受。質性研究訪談大綱是依據Mueller and Kaufmann所提出安康旅遊模式,包括六大構面:心、身、放鬆、社會接觸、營養與健康、環境與敏感度,深度訪談對象年齡在55~73歲之間,共計4人。量性研究針對55歲以上具有宗教旅遊經驗者採用問卷調查法,實得有效問卷120份。深度訪談分析整理出19個專案,信效度分析結果刪除9題,以探索性因素分析將因素命名為心靈體驗(4題)、環境氣氛(3題)、健康機能(3題)。分析結果顯示南部樂齡族心靈體驗顯著高於北部,中部樂齡族健康機能顯著高於南部;樂齡族宗教安康旅遊的心靈體驗與環境氣氛會顯著影響重遊意願。學術方面可以繼續運用宗教安康旅遊量表進行相關研究,實務上旅遊業可針對樂齡族發展更多以宗教為主軸的安康旅遊活動,使其在旅遊過程身、心、靈各方面獲得更豐富的感受。


Purposes: The population of people who were over 65 years-old had reached 14.9%. There were 3,524,098 peoples in July, 2019. Because wellness tourism focused on relationship between the tourist activities and health promotion behaviors, this research mainly discussed religious wellness tourism for Senior Citizens. Research Methods: This research interviewees were from 55 to 73 years old and we interviewed four elderly. The interview items were obtained from Mueller and Kaufmann's wellness tourism model. There were six dimensions including Body, Mind, Relaxation, Social Contacts, Health & Nutrition and Environmental Sensitivity. The quantitative research used questionnaire survey method for Senior Citizens over 55 years old and who have religious tourism experience. Finally, we got 120 valid questionnaires. Results: We summarized the interview content to 19 items by In-depth interview analysis. And we deleted 9 questions by the reliability and validity analysis. Finally, we got three dimensions named as the spiritual experience (4 questions), the environmental atmosphere (3 questions) and health function (3 questions) by exploratory factor analysis. The results showed that the spiritual experience in the south is significantly higher than that in the north. And the health function is significantly higher than that in the south. Finally, the spiritual experience and environmental atmosphere of The Religious Wellness Tourism Model for Senior Citizens significantly affected the intention of revisiting. Conclusion: In the academy, the results of this research can be used to develop elderly religious wellness tourism. In practice, the tourism industry can develop relative tour planning for elderly religious wellness tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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