


The Study of Customer Perceived Attitudes toward Michelin-starred Restaurants and Bib Gourmand Restaurants




姜淳方(Chun-Fang Chiang);郭虹妏(Hung-Wen Kuo)


米其林評鑑 ; 米其林星級餐廳 ; 必比登推介餐廳 ; 認知風險 ; 餐廳態度 ; Michelin review ; Michelin-starred restaurants ; Bib Gourmand restaurants ; perceived risk ; restaurant attitude




17卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


19 - 46






The "Michelin Guide" is the most authoritative and influential indicator in the global gastronomy. The purposes of this research were to fulfill the rarity of customers' awareness of restaurant reviews in the hospitality academy, and to understand customers' attitudes towards Michelin-starred and Bib Gourmand restaurants, so as to provide restaurant operators with information of restaurant reviews. Based on the theoretical basis of the source credibility model, this study accessed the influence of customers' perception of Michelin review, perceived risks and dining motivations, which influence customers' attitudes towards restaurants and their purchase intentions. The research adopted quantitative questionnaire with convenience sampling, 369 valid questionnaires were collected for Michelin- starred restaurants, and 379 questionnaires for Bib Gourmand restaurants. The results found that perceived Michelin review positively affect restaurant attitudes. Perceived risk negatively affected the attitude of star-rated restaurants, but perceived risk positively affected the attitude of Bib Gourmand restaurants. Dining motivation positively affected restaurant attitudes. Restaurant attitudes positively affected purchase intentions. This research enhanced the academic discussion of restaurant reviews and provided practical implications for restaurant operators.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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