


Relationships among Emotional Labor, Job Burnout, and Job Satisfaction of Amusement Park Employees: Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator




張琳瑩(Lin-Yin Chong);顏怡音(I-Yin Yen)


情緒勞務 ; 工作倦怠 ; 工作滿意度 ; 情緒智力 ; 遊樂園第一線員工 ; Emotional labor ; Job burnout ; Job satisfaction ; Emotional intelligence ; Amusement park frontline employee




18卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


69 - 89






Working in an environment where provides happiness to visitors, amusement parks employees usually have to disguise their true feelings. Such emotional labor might cause job dissatisfaction. In order for better job satisfaction of amusement park frontline employees, the primary purposes of this study were to test (1) the relationship between job burnout and job satisfaction and the moderating effects of emotional intelligence on (2) the relationship between emotional labor and job burnout, and (3) the relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction. A total of 212 valid questionnaires were filled out by current employees of amusement parks in Taiwan in late 2016. The result of the analysis partially supports the moderating effect of emotional intelligence. Specifically, it showed that the emotional intelligence does not moderate the relationship between the emotional labor and job burnout. However, it moderates the relationship between the interactional emotional labor and job satisfaction. The results show that for high emotional intelligence employees, the stronger the international emotional labor, the lower the job satisfaction, but for the low emotional intelligence employees, the stronger their emotional labor, the higher their job satisfaction. In addition, the job burnout is negatively related to job satisfaction. Further discussions and applications were mentioned.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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