


Is it True on Travel Video Ads that the More Consistent, the More Effective? The Moderating Variables of Social Comparison




陳冠仰(Kuan-Yang Chen);李紹銓(Shao-Cyuan Li)


YouTube廣告 ; 旅遊廣告 ; 內容一致性 ; 社會比較 ; 廣告效果 ; YouTube advertising ; Travel advertising ; Content consistency ; Social comparison ; Advertising effectiveness




18卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 25






Video advertising have become a trending planning strategic in the tourism industry. Previous research has shown that video advertising can convey information to the audience through messages which are interactive and realistic, and visual performance which are creative and entertained, and if the content is highly relevant with their preferences, it could raise correlation. Therefore, compared with the general online advertising, video advertising can get a more positive attitude and comment from audience. However, due to the emergence of a large number of video advertising, whether potential tourists will be interfered by the upward social comparison and affect social comparison psychology when viewing the content of video, which can be further studied. This study takes bumper ads on YouTube as experimental advertising, 80 college and university students were surveyed, and the impact of the content consistency of travel video advertising on the advertising effectiveness was explored through factorial experiment design, and the moderating role of upward social comparison in the aforementioned causal relationship was analyzed. The results of this study demonstrated that the content consistency of advertising and upward social comparison have an impact on advertising effectiveness, but they are not affected by different degrees of upward social comparison moderating effect. This study may provide an important reference for follow-up research scholars and tourism-related units to understand how to attract potential tourists to watch advertising from the perspective of video marketing.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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