


Application of GNSS System for Cadastral Densified Control Surveying


黃立信(Lih-Shinn Hwang);張宏正(Hung-Cheng Chang)


全球導航衛星定位系統 ; 快速靜態測量 ; 即時動態測量 ; GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) ; Rapid Static Surveying ; RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) Surveying




1卷2期(2013 / 07 / 01)


36 - 55




本研究順應大地測量的潮流,探討利用結合美國GPS 與俄羅斯GLONASS 定位系統之GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)全球導航衛星定位系統,提出兩種新的觀測技術(如GNSS 快速靜態測量、GNSS-RTK)應用於傳統地籍加密測量工作之可行性。由本研究結果顯示,因測量作業時其可視衛星顆數大幅增加至14-18顆以上,基線解算成功率於10 分鐘即可達成91%優異的基線解算成功率,明顯高於傳統GPS 訊號(77%),進而提升衛星定位觀測的品質及提高定位精度。第一個實驗先利用GNSS 快速靜態測量方法檢核控制點位精度,取樣4 個時間段(10、20、30及60 分鐘)個別分析,成果顯示超過85%以上的量測數據之最大觀測誤差均可達約2 公分上下,以10 分鐘觀測時段成果明顯超越現有測量規範。第二個實驗以GNSS-RTK 即時動態測量方法檢核加密點位精度,依數據可得N、E、H軸之RMS最大誤差可達0.20、 0.37、0.51 公分之內,證明利用本研究方法辦理加密測量作業,其精度已可達1 公分之內;若點位成果與內政部測量公告值進行比較,結果在單主站及雙主站之各分量誤差(ΔN,ΔE,ΔH)都可達0.9、1.3、7.1 公分之內,皆能滿足地籍加密測量之規範要求。因此,本研究證明在測量實務上,利用以GNSS 定位系統於兩種不同之應用測量方式(GNSS 快速靜態、GNSS-RTK),皆可大幅縮短測量觀測時間,本研究成果足以證明不僅可超越現有地籍測量之規範要求,更可作為未來內政部修正地籍測量規範之參考依據。


In this study, using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) which combined GPS (Global Positioning System) configuration built U.S.A with GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System) configuration built Russian to apply on Cadastral Densified Control Surveying work, and prove its possibility. The result indicate that at least 14-18 apparently satellites can be presented by GNSS system observation, so the quality of measurement works and accuracy of positioning works could be improved about 91% baselines rcvolution rates 10 minutes. The study includes two experiments. First work takes GNSS Rapid Static Surveying method to check accuracy of control points, divided different measured epochs (10,20,30 and 60 minutes) into 4 data, and result shows that above 85% data of RMS errors are estimated to be 2cm. Second work takes GNSS-RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) Surveying method to check accuracy of densified points, and it shows that most RMS in N, E and H axises are estimated to be under 0.20, 0.37 and 0.51 cm. It’s provided accuracy of this study can be achieved about 1cm to handle Cadastral Densified Control Surveying work. Compared computed values of densified points of GNSS-RTK Surveying method with public values by MOI (Ministry of the Interior), it shows the most error differences of moments (ΔN,ΔE and ΔH)on single or two reference stations are estimated to be under 0.9, 1.3 and 7.1 cm. The result can be satisfied rules of Cadastral Densified Surveying work. By the using methods (Rapid Static Surveying and RTK Surveying) of GNSS, this study also proved satellite observation time could be reduced and the positioning accuracy could be raised in Taiwan Cadastral Densified Control Surveying work.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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