With the development of GNSS, people often use static positioning to get mapping control point and coordinates data. For the past few years, the use of VRS-RTK technology has become a trend with its instantaneity and convenience. Besides, Taiwan moves forward from using e-GPS to e-GNSS, which improves work efficiency a lot. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to investigate using e-GNSS simplified-process measuring densification control point and supplementary control survey. And analysis accuracy of the observation result. Our study area was in the jurisdictional area of Taoyuan Aerotropolis and Shulin Land Office. Applying e-GNSS system (using TAIWAN system and TTG_TWD97 system) to the surveying of the root point, and Comparing our results with TWD97 map root coordinates (which have been announced). In this thesis, we used Case A method (receiving 180 fixed solutions, with a one-hour interval between each) and Case B method (receiving 10 fixed solutions, each requiring re-initializations) respectively to analyze the relationship between time measurement and accuracy. Both results are in line with existing operation. It was discovered that the accuracy of Case A is better than Case B, however, it takes more time. As the result, in case of high-accuracy demand, Case A is suggested. Otherwise, if the task range of allowable error more than 10%, which has higher efficiency, Case B was suggested.
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內 政部國土測繪中心, 2017 , e-GNSS 即時動態定位入口網站,https://egnss.nlsc.gov.tw/HotNews.aspx,最近檢索時間:2017 年1 月。
全國法規資料庫。全國法規資料庫,https://law.moj.gov.tw/,最近檢索時間:2018 年6 月。https://law.moj.gov.tw/