


Applications for spatial information and disaster reduction with Unmanned Aircraft System


謝佳諭(Chia-Yu Hsieh);陳信安(Hsin-An Chen);蔡孟倫(Meng-Lun Tsai);林奕翔(Yi-Shiang Lin);張瑞隆(Jui-Lung Chang);羅正方(Cheng-Fang Lo)


三維建模 ; 多光譜感測器 ; 無人飛機系統 ; 圖資更新 ; 緊急勘災 ; 3D Modeling ; Disaster Data Collection ; Multi-spectral ; Maps Updating ; UAS




6卷2期(2018 / 07 / 01)


75 - 95




隨著無人飛機系統(Unmanned Aircraft System, UAS)逐漸的廣泛使用,經緯航太科技團隊以自行開發設計之無人飛機系統,配合國內各學術研究單位,發展無人飛機系統之測繪科技新技術,並協助各機關辦理無人飛機系統各式應用,主要包含圖資更新應用、測繪技術應用及防救災領域應用。本團隊自97年度起為內政部國土測繪中心發展臺灣無人飛行載具之測繪科技新技術,陸續完成「探測感應器測繪平台架構規劃暨應用作業」、「102年度~103年度發展無人飛行載具航拍技術作業」,並協助內政部國土測繪中心進行重大更新地區之航拍作業,目前共已完成73區之航拍及影像後處理作業,並針對國道六號部分路段以無人飛機系統進行臺灣通用電子地圖圖資更新作業,作業成果符合電子地圖作業精度。另以無人飛機系統裝載不同感測器,以高機動性及低成本之優點,進行不同感測資料之小範圍快速蒐集,可加速各類土地調查應用之作業效率,並以不同感測資料協助相關單位進行資料判釋。


Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) has become an emerging trend for remote sensing and mapping applications recently. Numerous academic and studies have been conducted on the development and application of UAV for aerial triangulation photogrammetry, updating map, building 3D models, and disaster relief. Consequently, GEOSAT starts developing a direct georeferencing based UAS platform which is relatively free of regulations, inexpensive, easy to maintain, high mobility for small area surveys or rapid spatial information acquisition. Since 2008, GEOSAT proposed new technology for National Land Survey Center (NLSC). The working projects include making our own UAS, integrated system, and collecting aerial images by UAS. There are at least 73 tasks finished. For example, Taiwan Electronic Map of Freeway No.6 has update by processing these data. It also can produce DTM or DSM extractions, orthophoto, and map realizations with sufficient accuracy. Due to the advantages in high mobility and low cost, GEOSAT UAS not only can capture near real time information with integrated system rapidly, but also aid organization to analyze data for updating maps or disaster relief and assessment.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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