During land resurveying performed in the unregistered cadastral area, it is often encountered obscured situation in observation, or hard to reach the survey area due to terrain limitation. In this study, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a high-resolution camera and the e-GNSS real-time dynamic positioning system built by the Ministry of the Interior's National Land Surveying and Mapping Center to produce orthophotos for land resurveying at Chia-Hsin section in New Taipei City. The results show that the geometric accuracy for the orthophoto results had been validated better than 36 cm according to mapping requirement in the unregistered area. Moreover, the working time for the land resurveying based on orthophoto products can be reduced effectively to five to seven days, but it needs 12 to 41 days worked in the same area by using traditional terrestrial surveying methods. Therefore, the UAV aerial surveying method can be conducted to improve performance on the land resurveying in the unregistered cadastral area.
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