


A discussion on built program and practical running experience of Terrestrial Laser Scanner calibration system


陳聖彥(Sheng-Yan Chen);鄒慶敏(Ching-Min Chou);楊枝安(Chih-Ann Yang);陳鶴欽(He-Chin Chen)


地面三維雷射掃描儀 ; 測量儀器校正實驗室 ; 點雲 ; Point Clouds ; Survey Instrument Calibration Laboratory ; Terrestrial Laser Scanner




11卷2期(2023 / 07 / 01)


93 - 122




隨著地面三維雷射掃描儀(簡稱掃描儀)廣泛應用於各項測繪作業上,其掃描快速與量測高穩定性及應用於相關領域之適用性已逐漸受各界重視。另依據「國土測繪法」及「應用測量實施規則」測量成果品保相關規定,辦理應用測量之儀器裝備,應依測量計畫目的及作業精度等需求辦理校正,因此建立掃描儀校正週期,已成為掃描品質良莠之重要基本依據。地面三維雷射掃描儀校正系統(以下稱本校正系統)於建立之初,除在適用性方面,考量國內常見掃描儀校正可行性外,亦以通過「財團法人全國認證基金會」(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)認證,所出具校正報告具全球公信力為目標進行建置。另為期通過認證後,能快速上線提供服務,亦辦理校正服務試營運,針對試營運期間廠商送校成果,持續修正相關作業,以提升整體服務品質及效能。依據試營運經驗得知,本校正系統可以順利完成掃描儀校正作業,並成功出具2份校正報告,除了顯示本校正系統對於掃描儀校正作業具可行性外,藉由校正成果亦可證明本校正系統具備提供掃描儀校正服務的能力。


Due to its outstanding 3D modeling capabilities, Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) has been widely used in engineering surveying fields in recent years. Pursuant to the provisions, the instruments used for measurement shall be calibrated according to the purpose and accuracy requirements. For needs in aforementioned, the Survey Instrument Calibration Laboratory (SICL) of National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC) built TLS calibration system, and also was granted accreditation by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) in 2022. In accordance with experience for running of SICL, the TLS calibration system works well, and successfully issued 2 calibration reports. The result proves that the SILC has the capability to offer the calibration service.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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