


Meditation on "Writing above Water:" Mi-fu's Poems Composed While Boating in Wujiang


林慶文(Chin-wen Lin)


米芾 ; 吳江舟中詩卷 ; 水上書寫 ; 身體經驗 ; Mi-fu ; Poems Composed While Boating in Wujiang ; writing above water ; body experience




6期(2017 / 03 / 01)


3 - 29






Mi-fu the calligrapher of the Song dynasty presents to the reader running, cursive scripts, rare and large-sized, in one of his works, Poems Composed While Boating in Wujiang. Writing with stylish inky strokes, Mi-fu designates the venue of his writing as the boat and illustrates in his work the difficulty of sailing against the wind. His work provides the reader with important historical materials, from which the water traffic of the Song dynasty in a specific place and during a specific period of time can be accurately grasped. Nevertheless, to approach Mi-fu's writing from the perspective of calligraphy, the author has several points to argue for. First, Mi-fu's poems clearly refer to the venue where they were composed. The poems reflect the physical context with which the poet interacted, that is, the contextualization of the boat and the body writing above water. Second, while the act of writing is often performed on land, Mifu's Poems Composed While Boating in Wujiang was completed above water. A sailing boat invites waves, big and small. The body experience above water certainly differs from that on land. Does such a difference exert any influence on the act of calligraphic writing? Strokes are crucial to one's style. The author thus wants to bring to light the correlation between the body and the strokes performed above water. Finally, Poems Composed While Boating in Wujiang was composed upon a long roll of paper, upon a scroll. Is such a horizontal unfolding of Mi-fu's work related to the way how the poet perceived the scenery around from the cabin of the boat? These are the issues the author of this paper wants to address. Different from the other poets and calligraphers, Mi-fu had a comparatively longer life experience of living and writing in a boat. What triggers the author's interest in Mi-fu's work is thus the unique body experience of writing in a moving vehicle, the way how the body interacts with its environment to conduct the act of calligraphic writing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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