


Abilities of Issue Management and Its Influences of Industrial and Business Groups: The Observations About Amendment to the Corporation Law in 2018


鄭明德(Ming-te Cheng)


工商團體 ; 議題管理 ; 公司法 ; 立法院 ; industrial and business groups ; issue management ; Corporation Law ; Legislation Yuan




9期(2020 / 03 / 01)


183 - 195






This article is to study the role of industrial and business groups play on the process of amendment of Corporation Law in 2018, including the participating background, strategic thinking, abilities of issue management and its influences. Among them, abilities of issue management were the biggest highlight in the process, and the Pragmatism action of molding or operating the issues. They proposed six main appeals on media very accurately and these appeals were just the mist critical articles during the amendment process. Finally the four among six appeals were passed. This article finds that abilities of issue management of the industrial and business were very important, and had deep influences on specific articles.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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