
KEEP: Kahoot in English Education Practices




黃翊之(Adrian Huang)


English ; gamification ; Information and Communications Technology ; Interactive Response System ; Kahoot ; 英文 ; 遊戲化 ; 資訊通訊科技 ; 即時反饋系統 ; Kahoot




10期(2021 / 03 / 01)


295 - 330




Thanks to the rapid development of new technological tools and programs, the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in traditional classrooms has recently become essential. ICT has been progressively integrated as a part of teaching in view of enhancing learners' engagement and motivation. As part of ICT, Interactive Response System (IRS) in particular can facilitate students' learning. The incorporation of gamified activities into IRS can further prove to be a dynamic strategy in foreign language instruction. As a relatively new pedagogical strategy, game-based IRS implies the use of game elements and game design techniques in a non-game context, like a classroom. This study not merely investigated English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' attitudes toward gamed-based IRS but also explored the detail behind. Participants were 185 undergraduates with various majors at Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan during the spring semester of 2020. Kahoot, as a type of game-based IRS, was selected and employed as an assessment tool in this study. The instrument applied was a Likert-scale based survey. Findings, with four major themes emerged, revealed that EFL learners take positive attitudes toward Kahoot.


隨著科技的日新月異與教學的推陳出新,資訊通訊科技(Information and Communications Technology)已成為科技教學的一大趨勢。目前,在眾多的資訊通訊科技使用中,即時反饋系統(Interactive Response System)已逐漸成為教室裏一種常見的教學輔助工具。其中的Kahoot系統(以下簡稱Kahoot),即為一款遊戲化的即時反饋系統。透過網際網路的應用,Kahoot確實提升學習者的學習動機,並增進師生彼此之間的交流互動。本研究以Kahoot為例,以李克特量表作為調查工具,於108學年度第2學期(2020年春季),分析了185位中國文化大學的學生,探究他們對使用Kahoot學習英語的態度。研究結果指出:Kahoot的成效十分顯著。至其細節,會更深入地梳理和探討。

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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