


Dynamic Development of Calligraphic Writing


林慶文(Ching-wen Lin)


書法 ; 書寫類型 ; calligraphy ; media of writing




10期(2021 / 03 / 01)


3 - 22






Modern calligraphy is trending towards a visual-focused art, featuring an emphasis on visual effects while its content is usually copied from traditional literature. On analysis, the former could be due to modern reading-and-writing electronic devices and transmission speeds, and the latter due to the change in the role of calligraphy as the carrier of the humanities and arts, and the dispersion of literati class. So far as the medium is concerned, words are culture's carrier. Thus, the way words are used can be observed and predicted for society's change. If words are the explicit form of authors' thoughts, the transmission speed and reach created by the internet are beyond imagination in contemporary society. An individual's will can inflate instantly. Conventionally, the element of words was to transcend the writers' spiritual lives through space and time, whereas now it has been replaced with being short-lived viral hits on the internet. Previous ways of writing record how humans age with books. It not only has unintended self-reflection function but also displays applicability well. Yet the essence has slowly shifted its focus towards commercialization. The metaphorical function in figure of speech has degenerated into a sudden impression of line-constructed image. This phenomenon results in mass duplicates and fragmented information ubiquitously in daily life that await deciphering. The dehistoricization of modern writing creates an illusion of non-existence of the past but only the here and now. Since writing types are now diversified, choosing a certain way to write has become a value dilemma for modern works and daily lives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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