


Anarchist "Utopia": Liu Shi-fu and the Min-sheng Magazine in the Early Republic of China


陳正茂(Cheng-Mao Chen)


劉師復 ; 《民聲》 ; 無政府主義 ; 烏托邦 ; 晦鳴錄 ; 社會主義 ; 五四運動 ; Liu Shifu ; Minsheng or "The Voice of the People" ; anarchism ; utopia ; Huiming Record ; socialism ; the May Fourth Movement




12期(2023 / 03 / 01)


15 - 41






As a branch of modern socialism, anarchism has a profound impact on the changes of modern politics, society and thought. The anarchist movement in modern China began in the early 20th century, and was introduced and transplanted to China by students studying in France, Japan, and other countries. At that time, in terms of groups, they could be divided into three groups: one was the "Socialist Seminar" formed by some Chinese students living in Japan, another was the "World Society" organized by another group of international students living in Paris, France, and the other is the "Huiming School" whose main activities were in China. The above-mentioned three groups had respectively issued propaganda publications such as "Tianyi", "New Century" and "Minsheng", and strongly advocated anarchism. In the history of modern Chinese anarchist movement, they played the role of enlightenment. They also opened the prelude to the modern Chinese anarchist movement. Among the three factions of anarchist movements, Liu Shifu's group had the greatest influence on China. The agency "was the first group to spread anarchism in mainland China." In the publication of "Minsheng", a large number of articles promoting anarchism were written, which formed the so-called "Shifuism" that had a profound impact on Chinese thought formed after the 1911 Revolution to the May Fourth Movement in the early 1920s. He specifically expounded the connotation and highest principles of anarchism, systematically put forward anarchism's propositions in politics, economy, education, and morality, constructed the utopia of an anarchist society, and pointed out the means of its realization. Examining Shifu's anarchist thought, it can be said that he integrated cultural radicalism and modern enlightenment thought, has a Europeanization tendency and a complete denial of traditional culture and real order, and promotes the ideas of freedom, equality, science, and democracy, and builds his anarchism. It is an active attempt to explore the way out of Chinese social modernization. This article is based on Shifu's life and activities, and his anarchist ideological construction to outline the legendary life of this anarchist master and the outline of his thoughts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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