


The Fantasy Float in Kusamakura by Souseki Natsume: Transformations of the Image of Ophelia from Shakespeare, Millais, to Souseki Natsume


程建文(Jiann-Wen Cherng)


奧菲莉亞 ; 草枕 ; 日本式美感 ; 哀憐 ; Ophelia ; Kusamakura ; the Japanese sense of beauty ; the pathetic




12期(2023 / 03 / 01)


109 - 121




夏目漱石(1867-1916)於1906年9月發表之〈草枕〉,為其早期小說作品。〈草枕〉的書寫方式,異於一般小說的寫法,或論或述,沒有複雜的情節,文中透露大量敘述者(我)的藝術觀點。作品的主角是畫家「我」,「我」揹著畫具出外旅行寫生。在山中遇見一位馬伕,經由馬伕之口,知道山中有處可歇腳人家。抵達後,那裏的老婦人告訴他:「那古井」(地名)有溫泉旅館可以住宿。 主角於是投宿旅館。在旅館中看見了那古井的小姐「那美」(人名)。「我」有一幅亟欲完成的畫,卻久久尋找不著一個表情,直到看到了那美流露出的一個表情之後,才終於得以描繪心中所謂的「美」。這篇小說中出現了一幅繪畫作品—米雷(John Everett Millais,1829-1896)的〈奧菲莉亞〉(Ophelia)。而該繪畫作品則是根據莎士比亞(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)的作品〈哈姆雷特〉(Hamlet)第四幕第七景中的故事而繪。本文探討三者之間的關係,檢視夏目漱石對該繪畫作品「借用」的目的,以及該繪畫作品對小說的作用。進而探討夏目漱石的日本式美感尋思之旅。


Kusamakura was published in September of 1906 by Souseki Natsume (1867-1916). It is one of his early works in life. The writing style seems to deviate from that of common fiction. It expresses or explains something in the novel, and none of complex action takes place. It illustrates a great deal of opinions on arts from the point of view of the "I," the narrator. A painting appears in the novel. The painting is called Ophelia which is created by John Everett Millais (1829-1896). The painting is created in reference to the work of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 7. The author of the paper has tried to explore the relationship among the three works, explicating the purpose why Souseki Natsume employs the painting in his novel. The author has then tried to explain the function of the painting in the novel and discuss how the Japanese sense of beauty can be perceived in the novel of Souseki Natsume. After researching, the author has found that the verbal description of Ophelia's misfortune is based on the archetypal of Shakespeare's drama, and the painting of Millais is the medium by which the sense of the Occident's beauty can be transmitted to the Orient, embodied by the novel of Souseki Natsume. Through introspection and unique thinking, Souseki Natsume conveys "the Japanese beauty, the pathetic" (哀) existing in his mind. Kusamakura has thus become a fantasy work which illustrates the imagery of "fantasy float."

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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