


The Uplift of Naturalist Intelligence from Potentiality to Ability


陳依信(Caleb I-Sin Chen)


自然觀察智能 ; 智能優異 ; Naturalist Intelligence ; Gifted




12卷(2014 / 12 / 01)


55 - 65




自然觀察智能(Naturalist Intelligence)為Gardner於1997年從原有多元智能(Multiple Intelligences)的七種智能架構下,再提出的新智能。本文藉由文獻與自然觀察智能優異人物傳記的回顧,探討一個具備優異自然觀察智能的兒童如何經過發展與培養,而成為一個自然觀察領域中的天才。文獻回顧發現,自然觀察智能的展現有三個層次:欣賞角度、好奇角度與探討現象原因的角度。一個自然觀察智能優異者在成為自然觀察領域天才會經過童年的啟發、堅持與成長及產生質變以致於帶來領域中的突破等階段。最後,在自然觀察質變的部分,也從智能優異兒童的學習、自然觀察天才的培養與學校科學教師的角色等三方面思考,期望可以透過不同視角的切入,在自然觀察智能的培育上提供思考方向,使兒童才能獲得最佳的發展。


Naturalist Intelligence was the new intelligence propounded by Gardner in 1997 on the framework of the existing Multiple Intelligences. By reviewing bibliographies and autobiographies of people with outstanding naturalist intelligence, this paper considers how children with distinct intelligence become outstanding experts in the field of nature observation through developing and cultivating. Reviewing bibliographies shows three levels of the manifestation of naturalist intelligence: the aspect of appreciation, the aspect of inquisitiveness, and the aspect of investigation of the cause of phenomena. People with excellent naturalist intelligence become outstanding experts through stages including inspiration in childhood, perseveration and development, and making a breakthrough derived from qualitative converting. At last, we consider qualitative converting of nature observation from three aspects consisting of the learning of gifted children, the development of outstanding nature observers, and the role of science teachers in school. We expect to provide directions for considering cultivation of naturalist intelligence from different points of view, and to make the best of the ability of children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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