Naturalist Intelligence was the new intelligence propounded by Gardner in 1997 on the framework of the existing Multiple Intelligences. By reviewing bibliographies and autobiographies of people with outstanding naturalist intelligence, this paper considers how children with distinct intelligence become outstanding experts in the field of nature observation through developing and cultivating. Reviewing bibliographies shows three levels of the manifestation of naturalist intelligence: the aspect of appreciation, the aspect of inquisitiveness, and the aspect of investigation of the cause of phenomena. People with excellent naturalist intelligence become outstanding experts through stages including inspiration in childhood, perseveration and development, and making a breakthrough derived from qualitative converting. At last, we consider qualitative converting of nature observation from three aspects consisting of the learning of gifted children, the development of outstanding nature observers, and the role of science teachers in school. We expect to provide directions for considering cultivation of naturalist intelligence from different points of view, and to make the best of the ability of children.
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