


The Current State, Challenges and Prospects of Gifted Education in Taiwan: Focus on Resources and Supports for Schools


陳美芳(Mei-Fang Chen);黃楷茹(Kai-Ju Huang)


台灣資優教育 ; 資優方案 ; 學校需求 ; Gifted Education in Taiwan ; gifted programs ; school needs




13卷(2015 / 09 / 01)


17 - 34






The starting ideas of this article came from an open discussion among participants in a 2014 nation-wide conference on gifted education held in Taiwan. The participants included educators, administers and professors from different areas in Taiwan. Due to the rapid change of education for gifted and talented students for the past 10 years, the discussion of the participants focused on challenges and various needs schools and teachers faced in offering gifted programs. In order to respond to the needs of schools and teachers, the historical documents, articles and government web-sites were reviewed to better capture the current state , challenges and prospects of gifted education in Taiwan. The analysis of documentation and placement rate of gifted students showed that: (1) Gifted education in Taiwan is becoming more inclusive; (2) The requirement for teachers has gradually become standard based; (3) Various programs exist, within which, school-based programs and student-based programs have both increased. Based on these findings, the authors proposed a differentiated support system for schools and teachers. The support system emphasizes differentiated professional requirements and resources provided. For primary or part-time teachers, the system provides a scaffold for program planning and implementation. For mentors or fulltime teachers, even though the requirements increased, more flexibility was granted. The resources provided enable teachers to focus on pedagogy and innovation rather than administrative tasks.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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