


The Localization of Giftedness: The Practice and Reflection of an after-school Program


呂金燮(Chin-Hsieh Lu);侯貞伊(Chen-Yi Hau);陳偉仁(Wei-Ren Chen)


資優教育 ; 文化回應 ; 在地轉化 ; 好野人方案 ; Gifted Education ; Cultural Response ; Localization ; Wild-kid program




14卷(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 26






Providing services to fulfill gifted children's special needs of learning is the purpose and the premise of gifted education as an academic professional field. How will gifted education retain as a unique professional area without the presuppositions of the concept of gifted children? How may the gifted education be and continue to flourish without the concept of gifted children? Since 2012, a cross -disciplinary team of gifted teachers develops a wield-kid gifted program with the resources of local community. Taking the local culture, history, and circumstances into account, the wild kids gifted program steps out the default framework of 'giftedness' and develops a gifted program for local community and non-gifted children. In the wild-kid program, the so-called "giftedness" is a "gifted optimization" process of potential development. It refers to a holistic, dynamic and community-based gifted program , but not gifted children. The 'gifted optimization' learning opportunities is open to every child whoever needs it without being limited to a formal identification as gifted students. This paper will discuss the theoretical base of the wild-kid program via integrating the philosophy of fully inclusive gifted education and cultural response perspectives and describe the three years practice of the program. Based a preliminary analyses of the processes, some suggestions for community-based gifted program and alternative gifted education will be proposed at the end of this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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