


Well-being, the other Catalysts in The Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talented


施雅碧(Ya-Pi Shih)


心流 ; 幸福感 ; 區分式才能發展模式 ; 催化因子 ; Flow ; Well-Being ; the Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talented ; Catalysts




19卷1期(2021 / 05 / 01)


80 - 92




資優教育方案與資優課程推陳出新之時,幸福感是理想中教育氛圍的基本元素,協助資優生在學習過程中產生幸福感,可建立心理資本,因應未來所面對的一切挑戰,是以探討資優生幸福感的所在、如何在學習中產生幸福感是本文之研究動機本文以區分式才能發展模式為探討資優教育之基礎,依據文獻探討瞭解幸福感之哲學、心理學及活動取向之意涵。基於幸福感是正向心理學中一個重要的概念,幸福感是正向情緒的總體表徵,研究者試圖將幸福感定位在DMGT2.0中成為其中之催化因子。有幸福感的資優教育關鍵在於,以最優的資優活動與課程設計,配合資優生的天賦與特質,充分發展資優生個別的內在潛質,資優生的全心投入學習會帶來幸福感,並促使其持續幸福的學習,而其品格的發展能擴展個人胸懷、開展視野與願景,成就其有意義的人生,而有意義的人生正是哲學理論之幸福感的極致表現。不論在才能發展過程或目標中,幸福感皆佔有重要的位置,期望未來資優教育者重視幸福感的觸發,讓資優生不僅擁有知識為個人資本,亦建構其心理資本,以因應未來之學如何學(learn how to learn)之趨勢。


When gifted educational programs and gifted curriculums are constantly being update, well-being has always been an idea basic element of the educational environment. It helps gifted students to develop well-being in the learning process, builds psychological capital, and responds to all future challenges. The motivation of the research is to explore the happiness and well-being of giftedness and how to produce happiness and well-being in learning. The researcher choose DMGT 2.0 as the center of gifted education and described well-being in the philosophic,psychological and active orientation.The researcher tried to definated well-being as a catalyst in DMGT 2.0 because it is the vital conception in positive psychology and the overall representation in positive emotion. The key to the gifted education with well-being is to design the optimal gifted activities and curriculums , to fully develop the giftedness' inner potentiality and for their individual strengths. Well-being happened from the Gifted students' dedication them to continue the happy learning. The giftedness' talented can be developed, their mind can be expanded, and vision can be promoted and it achieve their meaningful life.In the process of talented development,well-being occupies an necessary position.It is expected that the gifted educators will pay attention to trigger well-being and establish knowledge being personal capital and metal capital to assist giftedness to copy with the requirments of learning how to learn in the furture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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