


Reflecting the design of gifted students' affective development program with the theory of Mindsight: Enlightenment from the narrative of gifted students


張芝萱(Chih-Hsuan Chang);張馨文(Sin-Wun Jhang)


心智省察 ; 方案設計 ; 情意發展 ; 資優生 ; Mindsight ; Gifted students ; Affective development ; Project design




19卷2期(2021 / 10 / 01)


117 - 146






This article reflected on "What kind of affective development do gifted students need?", "What have we done? What problems did we find? What can be done in the future?" through experience reviewing and narrative exploration. Researchers apply the Mindsight concept, which has been continuously explored in recent years, as the axis to illustrate the enlightenment of the theory on the affective development of gifted students; then use in-depth interviews with two high school gifted students- An and Cindy as a mirror to explore the needs of affective development of gifted students, reflecting on the teaching and guidance of affective development in the past. Ultimately, the concept of the relationship between Mindsight and the affective development of gifted students was proposed and the design and practice of the affective development program "Ten Tastes of the Well-being" promote the self-transformation of gifted students grounded in Mindsight were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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