


On the Professional and the Value of the Property Pre-Management


朱貴章(Kuei-Chang Chu)


建築計畫 ; 物業管理 ; 前期規劃 ; 營運策略 ; Architectural Programming ; Property Management ; Pre-Management ; Operation strategies




9屆(2015 / 07 / 01)


73 - 84




本研究為健全建築物日後長期使用管理效益,致力提升永續營運的目標,物業管理扮演非常重要的角色。物業管理應設法於建築全生命週期之「前期評估」與「規劃設計」階段,扮演專案諮詢者角色,回饋「使用需求」與「管理經驗」,讓建物變得好用與實用,營運成本也滿足長期營運需求,對不動產價值有極大助益,這是一個非常值得探討的議題。物業管理與建物日後使用維護有相當密切的關係,但因目前國內之物業管理發展方向,以交屋後之營運管理為重點,因而與國外提供物業前期規劃(Pre-Management)與物業前期管理(Pre-Operation)之作業模式有差異。因此,物業管理如能培育前期規劃人才,就有能力在規劃設計、竣工代管、營運管理及資產活化等階段實施全方位服務(OneStop Services),不僅提升物業管理獲利能力,亦可改變此服務型態的市場位階。透過個案研究法及收集國、內外資料研究,分析物業管理在前期規劃作業如何參與作業,建議可依據建築計畫構面,搭配建築設計團隊,提出營運回饋事項,讓設計過程能夠吸納管理經驗,為後續物業管理奠定完善基礎,以更有效率的模式朝永續營運來發展。預期物業前期規劃作業之模式日趨成熟後,將可吸引跨界人才參與,透過使用維護管理經驗累積成知識庫,進而透過營運情境結合建築資訊模型(BIM)之多元運用,協助物業管理邁向多元價值服務型態的大未來。


In this study, for the management efficiency and enhance the goal of sustainable operations to the long-term of the buildings, property management plays important role that seeks to life of the building of "conceptual" and "design" phase, the role of project consultants which is reserved "usage requirements" and "management experience" to this building and become useful and practical, It is an operator to meet the long-term operating costs and more demand, and the value of the real estate industry has great help. Property management and construction material has maintains closer relationship, but current develops focus on the service of aftermarket that made passages difference with foreign property (Pre-Management) and (Pre-Operation) mode of operation. Thus, if it changed the existing mode of operation by training employee and promote ability in the design stage, not only enhance its profitability, also changing patterns of the market service rank. Through case and data studies to analysis property management operations how to participate in the early planning and suggested that based on construction plans facets with architectural design team, offering feedback and design process that can absorb management with experience , making the follow-up perfect and create more efficiency. As property of Pre-Management getting more matures then, people will be attract to cross-border participation and transfer experience into knowledge, propose operational scenarios combining building information modeling (BIM) with multivariate ways which is produced more great value in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學