


Indoor PM_(2.5) Control Teaching Model Design


盧治義(Lu, Chih‐Yi);陳王琨(Chen, Wang‐Kun)


PM _(2.5) ; 空氣品質指標(AQI) ; 空氣潔淨裝置 ; 教學模型 ; 帶電纖維濾材 ; PM_(2.5) ; Air Quality Index (AQI) ; Air cleaner ; Teaching model ; Charged Fibers Filter




12屆(2018 / 06 / 01)


228 - 235-021




PM_(2.5)細懸浮顆粒物(particulate matter (PM))是指隨空氣動力而自由移動;直徑小於等於2.5微米的顆粒物。其粒徑微小且分佈廣,這些顆粒物受了自然界和人類活動所產生的汙染物,透過人體的呼吸系統或直接接觸已成為人類健康的重大威脅。每當新聞報導;有關PM_(2.5)值達環保署空氣品質指標(Air Quality Index (AQI))之紅害時,總是立刻有段下文:請民眾儘量待在戶內,沒事不宜外出,外出請戴上口罩等等的善意提醒。通則上似乎已認定了唯有待在室內就是安全的;看似已然形成的共識。我們視如庇護所的室內;其空氣品質的良與劣當然也就關係著我們躲避不良品質空氣的一種日常生活方式。因此針對此議題的市售空氣清淨機種類品牌玲瑯滿目,民眾該從何著手選擇適合居家或工作場所的空氣潔淨裝置(Air cleaner)呢?所以本研究設計一教學模型(Teachingmodel)模擬當室內產生PM_(2.5)等問題時,期能透過此一模型對PM_(2.5)的控制能有進一步的認知,並期望當面臨PM_(2.5)的汙染時兼具有預警的效果,並期能釐清諸多對空氣清淨的懵懂概念。例如應如何配合改變濾速(Filtration rate)與不同孔徑的帶電纖維濾材(Charged Fibers Filter)之間操作條件才能實現對室內PM_(2.5)汙染的有效控制?相信此模型的建立;能更深入探討室內PM_(2.5)的污染物及可能衍生物的變化,並藉此發展出適當的對應與解決模式。


PM_(2.5) refers to particulate matter that is free to move with aerodynamic forces, its diameter is less than or equal to 2.5 microns. PM_(2.5) is the pollutants that are produced by the nature and human activities, which is very small in size and is distributed widely around the globe. The PM_(2.5) particulates pose serious threats to the human respiratory system by direct contact with our lungs. When news broadcast issued by EPA announced that the PM_(2.5) value reaches the red index (Air Quality Index (AQI)), there are always words of paragraph appeared at the bottom of the TV screen asking the people to stay indoor as much as possible and must wear a mask if not in a room. It seems that it has been a routine that staying in a room is the best manner to prevent our lungs from being damaged. Many air cleaner brands are commercially available, and how we choose a suitable air cleaner for our home or workplace? Therefore, in this study, a teaching model was designed to simulate the problem of indoor PM_(2.5) generation. Through this model, the PM_(2.5) control capability can be further recognized as a pre‐warning, and at same time we can clarify many incorrect concepts about clean air. For example, how to effectively control the indoor PM_(2.5) pollution by changing the operating conditions between the filtration rate and the different size of the charged fiber filter? It is believed that the establishment of this model will allow more in‐depth discussion of the changes in pollutant and possible derivatives of indoor PM_(2.5), and to develop appropriate correspondence and resolution models.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學