


Study of indoor air quality in public places - A case study of hotel


林峯龍(Lin,Feng-Long);周芷玫(Chou, Chih-mei)


室內空氣品質 ; IAQ ; 飯店 ; Indoor Air Quality ; IAQ ; Hotel




12屆(2018 / 06 / 01)


56 - 63-006




環保署資料顯示,國人平均每人每天約有90%的時間處於室內的環境中(含居家及辦公時間),故室內空氣品質(Indoor Air Quality, IAQ)的好壞直接影響人體健康及工作品質。室內空氣品質的好壞與人有直接的關係,透過檢測數據了解當時空氣品質。台灣的觀光資源相當豐富,具備了發展觀光休閒業的要素與未來的潛力,旅館(飯店)的功能也日趨多樣化,除加強管理及餐飲等相關服務品質的管理,對接客大廳的注意更顯重要,而旅館大廳常為民眾接觸及聚集之處所,對空氣品質要求更顯重要。本研究針對北部地區五間飯店進行CO_2、CO、TVOC、PM_(10)及PM_(2.5)之監測,其結果發現,在現場溫度、濕度及人流量之差異,其檢測濃度值有明顯的差異,CO_2、CO、TVOC、PM_(10)及PM_(2.5)濃度與場所人口數有明顯之正相關。建議飯店人員進出頻繁之時段,除需定期保養及清潔空調系統,更需於該時段加強通風效用,增加室內換氣量,以維持良好之室內空氣品質,可有效室內空氣品質之改善,否則內部空氣長時間循環易造成空氣污染物的累積,影響身體健康。


According to the data from the EPA, the average person in China spends about 90% of his/her time in an indoor environment (including home and office hours). Therefore, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has a direct impact on human health and work quality. The quality of indoor air quality is directly related to people. Through the test data, we can understand the air quality at that time. Taiwan's tourism resources are abundant, and they have the potential and potential to develop tourism and leisure industry. The functions of hotels (restaurants) are increasingly diversified. In addition to strengthening the management of related service quality such as management and catering, the attention to the reception hall is even greater. Important, and the hotel lobby is often the place where people come in contact and gather, and the air quality requirements are even more important. In this study, CO_2, CO, TVOC, PM_(10), and PM_(2.5) were monitored in five hotels in the northern region. The results showed that there were significant differences in the detected concentration values at the site's differences in temperature, humidity, and human flow. CO_2, CO, TVOC, PM_(10), and PM_(2.5) concentrations have a significant positive correlation with the population of the place. It is recommended that hotel personnel enter and leave the hotel frequently and frequently. In addition to regular maintenance and cleaning of air-conditioning systems, it is necessary to increase ventilation efficiency during this period, increase indoor ventilation, maintain good indoor air quality, and improve indoor air quality, otherwise internal the long-term circulation of air can easily lead to the accumulation of air pollutants and affect the health of the body.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學