


An Empirical Study of Mainland China and Taiwan on the Term Structure of Interest Rate-Estimation based on Markov Regime Switching Jump-Diffusion Model


廖四郎(Szu-Lang Liao);連育民(Yo-Min Lian);林斯郁(Szu-Yu Lin)


利率期限結構 ; 跳躍擴散模型 ; 馬可夫狀態轉換 ; 利率市場化 ; Term Structure of Interest Rates ; Jump-Diffusion Model ; Markov Regime Switching Model ; Interest Rate Liberalization




1卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


37 - 59






This article uses the Markov Regime Switching Jump-Diffusion model, and is based on the data of Mainland China and Taiwan offered rates spanning from 2006 Q4~2013Q2 to study the term structures of interest rates. From empirical analysis, we find that the Markov Regime Switching Jump-Diffusion model performs well in the fitness of the term structure of interest rate process. Also, the estimated parameters reflect that there exist characteristics of jump process, moment matching and volatility clustering features in the term structure of interest rate process. Finally, our empirical study supports that a deeper degree of interest rate liberalization, the inter-bank interest rate and bond markets jump more closely, which shows a more effective transmission of monetary policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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