


Study on the Management of Local Farmers' Association in Taichung Area




邱建中(Chien-Chung Chiu);戴登燦(Deng-Tsann Day);李惠元(Hei-Yuan Lee);陳炎星(Yan-Shing Chen)


都市型 ; 鄉村型 ; 偏遠型 ; 農會 ; 營運 ; urban ; rural ; remote ; farmers' association ; management




47期(1995 / 06 / 01)


33 - 47




本研究將台中地區60個鄉鎮市基層農會,依其外在的區位環境、耕地面積、農業人口等特性,分為都市型、鄉村型與偏遠型農會,以83年台中地區60個基層農會第七屆第二次代表大會之書面報告的內容,對農會成員、保險事業、經濟事業、金融事業、推廣事業以及財務結構與經營效能等農會之營運現況,進行調查分析。調查結果顯示,都市型與鄉村型農會之正會員數約為4,250人,又都市型農會之贊助會員接近3,500人,是鄉村型農會的2.5倍,偏遠型農會之正會員約2,600人,贊助會員僅155人,農會的聘用員工,都市型農會為100人、鄉村型農會為64人、偏遠型農會為37人。農會盈餘以都市型農會的NT$ 5,256萬元為最高、鄉村型農會的NT$ 2,633萬元次之、偏遠型農會的NT$ 660萬元最低,三類型農會的盈餘幾乎全部來自金融事業的盈餘。基層農會的保險事業略有盈餘,經濟事業除偏遠型農會外,均呈虧損狀態。基層農會之推廣事業經費,偏遠型農會主要來自政府的專案計劃補助,鄉村型農會的盈餘提撥佔50%,政府補助佔27%,都市型農會以盈餘提撥為主,佔84%以上。三類型農會的財務結構與營運效能,尚稱健全,分析結果大都在標準比率以內。為謀求基層農會的持續發展,建議改善如下:(1)經濟事業:整合各個農會之經濟事業的體系,成立全國性的配送體系,形成零階通路(製造商→消費者),以降低成本,強化功能。(2)保險事業:除現有的家畜保險,以及協辦農民健保轉換為全民健保等業務外,考慮增辦農民人壽保險等保險業務。(3)金融事業:面對金融自由化的衝擊,建議整合成立全國性之連貫性的農會金融體系,以增強競爭能力與服務功能。(4)推廣事業:視農會區位環境與會員需要,調整推廣業務的內容,與農會各項業務,產生互補功能,增強農會會員對農會的向心力。


This study was aimed to analyze the constitutive members, insurance service, economic service, credit service, agricultural extension service, financial structure and management efficiency, etc. of local farmers' associations in Taichung area in 1994. A total of 60 local farmers' associations are classified to 14 urban type farmers' association, 43 rural type farmers' associations and 3 remote type farmers' associations according to the urbanized condition of located area, cultivated area, farming population, etc. The Report of Seventh Congress in second time of Farmers' Association to their member's representatives was used as analytical materials. The results indicated that the full member of urban and rural type farmers' association were around 4200 - 4300, but the associate member of urban type farmers' association were 3500 which were 2.5 times higher than rural type farmers' association. The full member and associate member in remote farmers' association were 2600 and 155 only. The employee in urban, rural and remote type farmers' association were about 100, 64 and 37, respectively. The net income of urban, rural and remote farmers' association were 580171000, 269584000 and 58467000, respectively. Almost all net income came from credit department of farmers' association. The insurance department had very few net income. The economic department was in debt condition except the remote farmers' association. About 84% of agricultural extension service expense of remote farmers' association was from the government subsides and special projects. In rural type farmers' association, 27% and 50% of the agricultural extension service budget came from government subsides and their own allocated profit from previous year. For urban type farmers' association, more than 84% of their agricultural extension service income were from the allocated profit of previous year. The results also indicated that the analysis on financial sturcture and management efficacy were very healthy. Most indexes were not over the suggested standards. In consideration on the successful and long-term development, some recommendations are made as followings: 1. The economic department of each farmers' association should be reorganized and combined to a industrial unity in order to reduce production costs, enlarge working scales and strengthen functions.2. More insurance activities, such as farmer life insurance, could be considered in order to benefit the farmers.3. It is suggested to establish a national agricultural financial unit by reorganizing the credit department of each local farmers' association.4. The agricultural extension activities should be adjusted in order to meet the real needs of farmers.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
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