


The Test of Operating Performance of Graintank Rice Combine




陳令錫(Ling-Hsi Chen)


散裝 ; 稻穀處理 ; 搬運 ; 聯合收穫機 ; bulk grain ; handle ; transport ; combine




47期(1995 / 06 / 01)


49 - 58




水稻散裝聯合收穫作業的應用關鍵在於搬運方式與裝袋式不同,裝袋式使用約36kg重之小穀袋裝載收割後稻穀。小穀包裝載方式在田間搬運上車及乾燥中心卸料均相當耗費人力和工時,60包稻穀由1人卸料,每包卸穀平均費時17.5 sec,2人卸料則平均須10.8 sec,數量多時耗時更久,並且田間裝載上車的勞動力需求亦多。採用散裝搬運可區分為傾斗式和大穀袋式,其單位時間卸穀量以傾斗式優於大穀袋式。卸穀量最大的是制式傾斗貨車,其次為傾斗農用搬運車,最小的是分裝桶裝成36 kg小穀包方式。各種不同搬運機具有不同承載量,除了吊桿貨車吊載大穀袋及分裝桶裝成小穀包方式,收割後濕穀可暫存田邊,不會影響散裝收割機作業;傾斗式及無傾斗的搬運方式均需在散裝收穫機最短滿桶時間12 min內回到田間等待。制式傾斗貨車搬運距離不超過2 km,農用搬運車每次承載一桶之量的搬運距離僅1 km,因此配合的搬運車輛須2~3輛才能保持散裝收穫作業順暢。在搬運成本上以6.8 ton貨卡加裝吊桿的成本最高,但若採租用方式每日租金NT$6,000,每分地產能以720 kg計,散裝收割機每日作業量2.0 ha,14.4 ton濕穀可在半天內吊載完畢,時速40 km/hr,搬運距離可遠達12 km,每分地搬運工資為NT$150,比人工小穀袋方式搬運工資便宜,因此租用吊桿貨車配合大穀袋是頗適當的一種選擇。


The key point of operation of graintank rice combine is the handling of bulk. It is significantly different from the traditional method of packing with 36 kg bag. The traditional method need many labors and take much time in transporting and unloading. Unloading one traditional bag averagely takes 17.5 seconds for one worker and 10.8 seconds for two workers as the work units are 60 bags. The bulkly rice kernels could be packed either by large bag or vehicle with hydraulic incline boxlike wagon. The unloading rate for two methods are 100 kg/sec and 15 kg/sec, however, the packing capacity by traditional bag is 2 kg/sec only. The feeding time of grain tank for the combine is about 12 minutes. Within this period the truck can only move away 2 km in the speed of 40 km/hr and the farm carrier is about 1 km in the speed of 15 km/hr. It requires two or three vehicles to work with 1 graintank combine except the hydraulic lifting bar truck. To adopt the 6.8 ton type lifting bar truck with large bag has higher cost, but it can handle 14.4 tons capacity for one graintank combine per day within 4 hours and 4 times, and move away within 12 km distance per times. It is worth recommending renting a lifting bar truck in 6000 NT$/day. The operating cost could be reduced to 150 NT$/10a. It provides a cheaper way than traditional packing method.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業