


Development of Indica Rice Variety 'Taichung sen 198'


楊嘉凌(Jia-Ling Yang);吳以健(Yi-Chien Wu)


秈稻 ; 台中秈198號 ; 水稻育種 ; indica rice variety ; Taichung sen 198 ; rice breeding




141期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 19




台中秈198號(Taichung sen 198, TCS198)係臺中區農業改良場於2018年6月命名的秈稻品種,其第一及第二期作平均生育日數分別為125及108天,平均株高分別為107及98 cm,皆與對照品種台中秈10號(TCS10)相近,其平均公頃稻穀產量於第一及第二期作分別為7,307及3,648 kg,則分別較台中秈10號顯著增產4.6及11.9%。另一方面,台中秈198號具有稻穀容重量高、完整米率高、米粒外觀佳及食味品質良好等優點,又因其抗倒伏能力良好且脫粒率中等,適合機械收穫,對稻熱病、縞葉枯病及班飛蝨等病蟲害抵抗性良好。惟台中秈198號生育後期耐寒性較不穩定,二期作栽培勿晚於立秋節氣種植,以避免成熟期遭受低溫的危害,此外,本品種對白葉枯病、紋枯病及褐飛蝨抵抗性不佳,應注意適時防治。


'Taichung sen 198 (TCS198)', an indica rice variety, has been nominated and released in June, 2018. TCS198 was compared with check variety 'Taichung sen 10 (TCS10)'. The growth durations of this variety are 125 and 108 days in the 1^(st) and 2^(nd) cropping season, respectively; and the average plant heights are 107 and 98 cm in the 1^(st) and 2^(nd) cropping season, respectively. Both of growth duration and average plant height are similar with the check variety, Taichung sen 10 (TCS10). Average grain yields of TCS198 are 7,307 and 3,648 kg/ha in the 1^(st) and 2^(nd) cropping season, respectively; and are 4.6 % and 11.9 % higher than TCS10, respectively. In addition, TCS198 has advantages such as high grain volume weight, high ratio of head rice, good appearance and palatability quality. Furthermore, TCS198 is suitable for machinery harvesting due to its good resistance of lodging and moderate panicle threshability. For the aspect of pest and disease resistance, TCS198 has the good resistance for rice blast, rice strips and smaller brown planthopper. However, the resistance to cold of TCS198 is unstable in the late growth period, consequently TCS198 should not be transplanted after the solar term 'Beginning of autumn' to prevent from cold damage in the mature stage. On the other hand, TCS198 has the bad resistance for bacterial blight, sheath blight and brown planthopper, therefore timely prevention practices during cultivation is necessary.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業