


Current Status of Grapevine Viruses and Their Control Means in Taiwan




楊佐琦(Tso-Chi Yang);蕭芳蘭(Fang-Lan Shiau);莊佳茹(Chia-Ju Chung)


葡萄 ; 病毒 ; 診斷 ; 防治 ; Grapevine ; Viruses ; Diagnosis ; Control




67號(2004 / 04 / 01)


95 - 113




葡萄為台灣地區重要經濟果樹之一,民國九十年之栽培面積達3243公頃。其苗木大多以無性繁殖的方法繁殖,唯此種方法極易傳播病毒病害,導致病毒病害之擴散及蔓延。調查台灣地區葡萄主要栽培產區中之病毒病害,葡萄扇葉病毒(GFLV)、葡萄捲葉病毒(GLRV)-品系1與葡萄A病毒(GVA)之發生已普遍存在。GFLV是葡萄(Vitis vinifera)之知名病害,以感染葉片呈扇狀而命名,GFLV為Comoviridae科、線蟲傳播多面體病毒屬(Nepovirus)之球形病毒,直徑約30nm。由兩個單股之核醣核酸(分子量分別為1.4及2.4×10^6)及單一鞘蛋白胜勠鏈(54000Da)所組成。寄主僅限於葡萄屬(Vitis spp.),亦可接種感染紅藜(Chenopodium amaraticolor)、珪藜(Chenopodium quinoa)、千日紅(Gomphrena globosa)及胡瓜(Cucumis sativus)等。劍線蟲(Xiphinema index)被證實為其媒介昆蟲,亦可經汁液傳播或嫁接傳染。GLRV主要造成下位葉往下捲曲,為Closterovirus之成員,其顆粒體為長絲狀,長度約1800∼2200nm。目前有7個相關病毒,GLRaV-1、GLRaV-2、GLRaV-3、GLRaV-4、GLRaV-5、GLRaV-6及GLRaV-7。目前已知GLRaV-3之媒介昆蟲為桔粉介殼蟲(Planococcus citri)、長尾粉介殼蟲(Pseudococcus longispinus)、葡萄粉介殼蟲(Pseudococcus matritimus)及Pseudococcus viburni,亦可藉由機械或嫁接傳染。GLRaV-1之媒介昆蟲為Parthenolecanium corni及Neopulvinaria innumerabilis兩種軟殼介殼蟲。GVA常造成葉片捲曲,葉片均勻變紅或黃並為害莖部形成層組織,造成陷莖現象,莖部局部腫起裂開。病毒顆粒體為長絲狀,長度約800nm。媒介昆蟲主要為長尾粉介殼蟲(Pseudococcus longispinus)及桔粉介殼蟲(Planococcus citri),亦可藉由機械或嫁接傳染。目前常用之病毒病害之診斷方法有病徵診斷法、指示植物診斷法、光學顯微鏡檢查法、電子顯微鏡檢查法、血清檢查法以及反轉錄聚合連鎖反應技術(RT-PCR)等。防治方法主要需預防媒介昆蟲之發生,以殺線蟲劑燻蒸處理土壤殺死劍線蟲,以殺蟲劑定期防治桔、葡萄粉介殼蟲等媒介昆蟲;更新栽培時,應拔除植株再以系統性殺草劑除去殘留根系及雜草,以避免劍線蟲存活;選用抗病毒或劍線蟲之品種或種植無主要病毒之健康葡萄苗木。因此為克服台灣地區葡萄病毒病害之問題,中興大學與本場合作利用莖頂生長點去病毒技術培育成無主要病毒之健康種苗,供應台灣地區農民更新老化、劣勢葡萄老株。


The grapevine is one of most widely planted fruit crops in Taiwan, covering an area of approximately 3243 hectares in 2001. Vegetative cutting is the major means for grapevine propagation. However, it also provides the transmission pathway of several important viruses through the world. Based on the survey results, Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV)、Grapevine leafroll associated virus 1 (GLRa1V) and Grapevine virus A (GVA) occurred commonly in the grapevine-cultivated area in Taiwan. GFLV was named by resulting in fanleaf symptom on leaves of Vitis vinifera, belonging to Nepovirus, and have isometric virions, 30nm in diameter. Host reactions of GFLV only limited to Vitis spp., however also can be mechanical inoculated onto Chenopodium amaranticolor, Chenopodium quinoa, Gomphrena globosa, and Cucumis sativus. The nematode, Xiphinema index, was proved to be the transmission vector of GFLV. GLRV, belonging to Closterovirus, normally infected grapevines with leaf-rolling-downward symptoms and its filamentous particles approximately 1800-2200 nm in length are commonly associated with the phloem tissue. Up to now, GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3, GLRaV-4, GLRaV-5, GLRaV-6, and GLRaV-7 were respectively reported to be associated with leafroll diseases but were serologically unrelated. The transmission vectors of GLRaV-3 were Planococcus citri, Pseudococcus longispinus, Pseudococcus matritimus and Pseudococcus viburni, but also can be graft-transmissible or mechanically transmitted. Moreover, GLRaV-1 could be transmitted by Parthenolecanium corni and Neopulvinaria innumerabilis. GVA affected vines have impaired growth vigor, leafroll, stem-pitting, and may decline and die within a few years. In addition to GLRV, GVA is also a filamentous virus which is 800 nm in length, and it could be likewise transmitted by Pseudococcus longispinus and Planococcus citri. Up to now, several means were commonly used to diagnose the grapevine viruses such as symptoms resulted from viruses mentioned above, grafting onto susceptible rootstocks or inoculating onto indicator plants, light microscopy, electron microscopy, serology and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Control methods for grapevine viruses included mealybug and nematode control system, choice of resistant varieties to viruses or vectors, and replanting of virus-free seedlings. To improve the fruit quality and quantity reduced deleteriously by virus infection year by year, specific-viruses-free grapevine seedlings were propagated and provided using in vitro technique by the Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station and the National Chung-Hsing University.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業