


The Characters and Applications of Fertilizing Machines in Orchard




陳令錫(Ling-Hsi Chen)


施肥 ; 鑽孔機 ; 肥灌 ; fertilization ; digging machine ; fertigation




108號(2011 / 09 / 01)


150 - 164




固體肥料施肥方式分成撒施、條施、點施等,依據施肥深度又分成表土、淺層與深層等三種,固體肥料施撒在表土易被雨水淋洗流失,改善要領為深施,有機質肥料施於深層,改善田地深層肥力及土壤理化性、透氣性,並提高有機肥利用率。目前常見果園施有機肥方式有三種:樹頭旁邊堆積有機肥、有機肥條施中耕機淺耕翻土、耕耘機犁淺溝施有機肥覆土。果樹栽培盡量避免表土撒施肥料,但是可以撒施或條施後利用中耕機翻耕入土,具有利用現有機具,操作方便與容易實施的優點,缺點為有機肥翻犁入土深度淺,改善土壤質地效果有限。為減少表土施肥容易造成土壤及肥料流失之弊病,且能改良果園土壤理化性、透氣性及質地,增加微生物含量,建立生產優質安全水果的基礎,將有機肥做局部深施,達成深層施肥及誘導根系伸向地底的效果。經過多年發展,目前省工安全的施肥用鑽孔機具有3種機型可選用。有機肥施用量大,鑽孔及施肥應分別單獨作業為佳,鑽孔機專責鑽孔工作,以提高鑽孔效率,施肥作業則由農用搬運車載運有機肥,逐孔將有機肥施入孔中並將孔穴填平,完成鑽孔施肥作業。液體肥料有肥效高、可調整養分比例、可滲入土壤深層、養分可到達植物根群迅速吸收水分與養分等優點,液體肥料施肥方式分成葉面噴施、地表澆(噴、滴)灌及深層噴灌。液體肥料的施用設備有2種:液肥撒施機與管路分流設備,管路分流設備又分成動力噴霧機加壓噴撒、簡易液肥灌溉、幫浦加壓自動肥灌與幫浦加壓定比稀釋器肥灌等四種。農機具在果園作業需要足夠的行距,番石榴枝條修剪後之長度約1.5 m,番石榴採用鑽孔深層施肥,行距約4.5 m較恰當,二側田頭則須預留換行空間。施肥準則把握適時、適量、適肥、適法的要領,其中適法包括深施粒肥及有機肥或液體肥料的葉面施肥或肥灌,以及選對施肥機具、正確操作保養等維持機器性能。妥善深施有機質肥料及適時補充液體肥料,可增進作物生長,提高產量及品質,生產優質安全水果。


There are three kinds of solid fertilizer application methods: broadcasted, line fertilization and point application. Fertilization can either put on topsoil, shallow soil or deep soil. However, topsoil fertilization is easy to loss with rain runoff. To improve the ability of topsoil fertilization, the essential method is deep application. Put the organic fertilizer in deep fields can improve fertility, soil physicals and chemistry, air permeability, and increase utilization of organic fertilizer. Currently, there are three common ways to apply organic fertilizer in orchard. Firstly, accumulate organic fertilizer on topsoil next to the tree. Secondly, use line fertilization then shallow plowed by cultivator. Thirdly, shallow furrow by power tiller and applied organic fertilizer before covering soil. Deep fertilization can induce underground root system into deeper soil. Therefore, it is the better way to place organic fertilizer in pre-dug holes, which can reduce the loss of topsoil fertilization, and to improve orchard soil, air permeability, and texture. Furthermore, by using this method can also increase microorganism content, help to produce high quality fruits, and insure the safety. Nowadays, for fertilization, there are 3 models of safety diggers can be chosen. Orchard need large amount of organic fertilizer (about 1000~2000 kg/0.1 ha), and in order to improve the drilling efficiency, it is better to separate the digging from fertilization and let digger dedicate to drill holes. In the orchard, agricultural cars transport the organic manure, drop the manure into holes, and cover the hole with soil. Liquid fertilizer has many benefits such as high nutrient content, adjustable proportion of nutrient, and rapid absorption, because liquid fertilizer can be infiltrated into the deep soil and reach the plant root zone directly. The application methods of liquid fertilizer are divided into foliar spraying, soil surface watering, spraying or dripping, and deep soil spraying. The liquid fertilization devices are also divided into liquid spreader and pipeline device. The pipeline device has 4 subtypes: pressurized power sprayer, simple pump fertigation, pump auto-fertigation, and pump water-driven injector. In the orchard, we use farm machinery to dig holes and to fertilize. Between plants, it requires adequate spacing. The sample we used here is guava. Using drilling deep fertilization, the appropriate spacing of guava is about 4.5 m, because the length of pruned Guava branch is about 1.5 m in radius. Also, at the headland of orchard, there must be enough space reserved for the agro-machine to move to the next furrow. The effectiveness of fertilization depends on timing, quantity, contents, and method. Appropriate methods of fertilization include deep placement of granular and organic fertilizer, using liquid fertilizer with foliar spraying or fertigation, choosing right fertilization equipment for right operation, and maintaining the machine in good performance. Both using deep application properly to apply organic fertilizer, and add liquid fertilizer when needed can increase growth rate, yield, quality, and safety of fruits.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業