


The Experience of Main Dementia Caregiver's Loss




王麗雲(Li-Yun Wang)


失落 ; 失智 ; 心理調適 ; 失智主照顧者 ; Loss ; Dementia ; Psychological adoption ; Main dementia caregiver




11期(2015 / 12 / 01)


33 - 43




台灣65歲以上老年人口佔總人口7.09%達聯合國世界衛生組織所訂的高齡化社會指標,至2013年底老年人口佔總人口數11.53%,而2017年將增至14%(衛生福利部,2014)。依據世界衛生組織(WHO)於2012年發布全球失智報告每年以770萬人速度增加,平均每4秒就有1人罹患失智。研究顯示約有75%的家庭照護工作是由家庭成員和親友直接提供(Schulz & Martire,2004),而失智症症狀非常多樣化同時亦出現不可逆狀態,照顧者在面對未來不可預期狀態下將出現強烈失落感,進而影響照顧者身心健康,可見失智症的照顧者內心感受應是被重視議題。本研究旨在探討失智症主要照顧者之失落經驗,以質性研究思維,採取半結構式深度訪談方式訪問家庭主要照顧者,以瞭解失智症主要照顧者經驗到的失落對其產生影響與調適方式,本研究採內容分析法,將依據Dr. Thomas(2003)所提出的概念進行本研究資料分析,結果發現主要照顧者失落經驗會隨患者疾病嚴重度而有不同程度的變化,患者疾病處於輕度時主要照顧者能和個案平行相處,大部分時間雙方處在一般常態下生活狀況下,失落現象較不明顯,但當個案疾病進入中度時主要照顧者與病患互動模式改變,進而失落感因應而起。希望透過此研究結果,可協助主要照顧者與失智者間互動與心理調適,以作為擬定介入措施之參考。


According to the Interior Ministry of Social Affairs, Taiwan 2013 report, there are 7.09 percent of the population aged over 65 years of total population reached an indicator of aging society set by the United Nations World Health Organization, and up to 11.53 percent elderly population of the total population to the end of 2013, and by 2017 will increase to 14 percent. The annual rate of worldwide population with dementia has increased to 770 million reported by the Work Health Organization (WHO) 2012, on average every four seconds a person suffering from dementia. Schulz and Martire (2004) indicated that 75 percent of dementia caregivers are provided by the family members and relatives. The dementia caregivers visible feelings should be taken an seriously issue because dementia caregivers may suffer a strong sense of loss and affect their physical and mental health in the face of dementia's unpredictable and progressing state. This study aimed to explore the loss experience of dementia caregivers conduct a qualitative research with semi-structured depth interviews accessing to family caregivers and understand the experience of main dementia caregiver's loss, psychological impact and adaption. Content analysis based on Dr. Tomas (2003) proposed has been processed to find out that the experience of main dementia caregiver's loss will vary with the degree of disease progressing. The caregivers can get along with mild disease of patients and the phenomenon of main dementia caregiver's loss less obvious. When cases of the dementia in moderate situation, a sense of main caregiver's loss has been caused with a changing dyadic interaction patterns. The research findings would contribute a positive interaction mode and propose interventions of psychological adaption.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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