This study is titled "The Effect of Intergenerational Care on the Employment Motivation and Self-Efficacy of Middle-Aged and Older Adults." A total of 199 individuals participated in this study, filling out four parts in a questionnaire survey: "personal information", "involvement scale", "intergenerational care employment motivation scale", and "self-efficacy scale." Research hypothesis and objective: This study was conducted with the hypothesis that the level of employment motivation in intergenerational care affects the level of self-efficacy, with the degree of involvement as the moderating variable. The objectives of this study are to verify whether this hypothesis is true, and to find out how the degree of involvement can moderate the effect of employment motivation on self-efficacy. Research method: A questionnaire survey was conducted among middle-aged and older adults in Chiayi County. A total of 199 valid questionnaires were collected, with a majority of the subjects being female (61.8%) and mainly in the 61-65 age group. Research results: The results show that the degree of involvement has a significant effect on the employment motivation of intergenerational care (p < .001), indicating that the higher the involvement level, the higher the employment motivation of intergenerational care. From Models 1 and 2 of the Regression Analysis, it can be noted that not having a spouse, degree of involvement and the level of employment motivation are all factors that affect the scores on the self-efficacy scale. However, the interaction score between the degree of involvement and the level of employment motivation was not significant (p=0.197), indicating that the degree of involvement does not have a moderating effect on the influence of employment motivation on self-efficacy.
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