


An Analysis of Han Wudi's Belief in Immortals




陳政雄(Cheng-Hsiung Chen)


漢武帝 ; 方仙道 ; 方術 ; 神仙思想 ; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ; Fang Xian Dao ; alchemy ; immortal thought




18期(2022 / 12 / 01)


45 - 59






Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, is a famous emperor in China. He has epoch-making pioneering in the aspects of cultural governance and martial arts, that is, he is known to the world as the only respect for Confucianism and the crusade against the Xiongnu, which not only established the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, but also created a profound impact on Chinese history. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty changed his recuperation from the early Han Dynasty, the inaction of Huang Lao, and agreed with Dong Zhongshu's idea of "removing the hundred schools of thought and respecting only Confucianism", and changed to Confucianism among the hundreds of schools of thought, making Confucianism the mainstream of Chinese thought in later generations. In terms of martial arts, for the biggest foreign invaders, the Xiongnu and Han, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abandoned the policy of harmony in the early Han Dynasty and switched to military means to solve the threat of the Xiongnu once and for all. He carried out three large-scale military operations in Weiqing and Huo Qubing and successfully drove the Xiongnu out of Monan. , the Western Regions were included in the Chinese territory, and the Silk Road linking the East and the West also began. Therefore, the "Han Shu" generally commented on Emperor Wu of Han as "a great strategy". However, another image of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is "especially respecting the sacrifices of ghosts and gods", in "Historical Records. The Chronicles of Emperor Wudi records in detail Han Wudi's belief in gods and his favor with other scholars. Therefore, this article will discuss the interaction between Han Wudi and alchemists to understand the history of Han Wudi's belief in gods.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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