


The Influence of Infant Massage on the Job Satisfaction of Caregivers:The Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership




黃玉娟(Yu-Chuan Huang);林榮禾(Rong-Ho Lin);吳斯偉(Shih-Wei Wu)


嬰兒按摩 ; 托育人員 ; 工作滿意度 ; 心理所有權 ; Infant Massage ; Caregiver ; Job Satisfaction ; Psychological Ownership




17期(2021 / 12 / 01)


14 - 40






Many studies have shown that infant massage can nourish the minds of infants and promote the health and development of infants. In addition to the direct benefits of infant massage in all aspects of the development of infants. It can also relax the emotions of caregivers who implement infant massage, enhance positive interaction with infant, and enhance caregivers' education and care work. A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and then have a good dependency relationship with infant. Based on the above factors, this study takes the psychological ownership of organizational behavior as the mediating variable between infant massage and caregivers' job satisfaction, and takes caregivers who have learned infant massage as the research object. An anonymous questionnaire is used to conduct the survey, which is actually effective 131 questionnaires were returned. If caregivers spend more time to massage baby, the psychological ownership of caregivers to daycare center is higher, then the job satisfaction of caregivers is higher, t00. The empirical results show that: (1) The implementation of infant massage has a positive effect on the job satisfaction of caregivers. (2) Psychological ownership has an intermediary effect on the relationship between the implementation of infant massage and the job satisfaction of caregivers. This study shown that infant massage can enhance the confidence of caregivers. Managers of nursery institutions should actively promote infant massage to improve the psychological ownership and job satisfaction of caregivers. The research findings are expected to provide reference for the daycare center, preschool, caregivers and education units.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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