


The Literature Review and Discussion of the Asthmatic Children Using TCM in Taiwan


羅珮嘉(Pei-Chia Lo);賴榮年(Jung-Nien Lai)


氣喘 ; 兒童 ; 中醫 ; 健保資料庫 ; 臨床研究 ; asthma ; pediatrics ; TCM ; National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) ; clinical reaserch




8卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 16






The prevalence of pediatric asthma is high in Taiwan. Statistic indicates that there are more than 165,000 children aged under 12 years old suffered from asthma. The asthmatic children are mostly treated with Western Medicine and some of the patients chose the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to the past literature, there are many formulas of TCM including Xiao-qing-long-tang, Ma-Xing-Gan-Shi- Tang, Ding-Chuan-Tang, Liu-Wei-Di-Huang Wan, have large scale clinical research in asthmatic patients or animal studies, and mostly had obvious efficacy in clinically. Recently, there are many nationwide or population-based studies about pediatric patients with asthma using TCM in Taiwan, and the papers are noticed by the TCM and Western Medical physicians. In this paper, we search and collect the clinical research of TCM for asthmatic children in Taiwan, and analyze the published papers of National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIDR) in pediatrics asthma patients using TCM. We investigate that the usage rate of TCM in asthmatic children is declining every year, and we discuss the probably reasons and provide the reference to clinical physicians.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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