


The traceability Classics of treating lower-jiao disease by Bu Zhong Yi Ci Tang and the analysis of effective clinical cases


許堯欽(Hsu Yao-Chin);廖啟卉(Liao Chi-Hui)


補中益氣湯 ; 脾氣虧虛 ; 輸尿管結石 ; 復發性腹股溝疝氣 ; 攝護腺肥大 ; Bu Zhong Yi Ci Tang ; Spleen Qi vaquity ; Ureteral calculus ; Recurrent Groin hernia ; Benign prostate hypertrophy




10卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


41 - 58






Bu Zhong Yi Ci Tang(BZYCT) is a celebrated formula, originated in the ancient book Nei-Wai-Sun-Bian-Huo-Lun by Li-Dong-Yuan. BZYCT, which has the effect of fortifying the Spleen and boosting Qi for lifting, is consist of Astrahalus, Ginseng, Atractylodes, Angelica, Ginger, Jujube, Bupleurum, Cimicifuga, Citrus and Licorice. Wang Ang expounded the indications of BZYCT in Collected Exegesis of Recipes: "To treat internal injury caused by working hard and emotional stress…or spontaneous sweating caused by yang vacuity, or qi failing to control blood, or malaria and dysentery caused by Spleen vacuity. These symptoms can’t be cured for a long time. All symptoms caused by falling of lucid yang and deficiency of center qi." We could mainly prescribed BZYCT as if we mastered the dominated pathogenesis - Spleen Qi vaquity. According to different pathology of diseases, we subjoin or subtract Chinese herbs to flexible vary the prescription. Outcomes: Many diseases got a satisfactory effect in lower-jiao disease when we mainly prescribed BZYCT. We treated ureteral calculus by subjoining herbs enriching yin to clear heat and disinhibiting stone to free stranury. We treated recurrent groin hernia by subjoining herbs warming the Liver and dissipating cold. We treated prostate hypertrophy by subjoining herbs warming the Kidney to supplement yang and coordinating the Heart with the Kidney. We treated stress urinary incontinence by subjoining herbs supplementing the Kidney qi and securing and astringing to enuresis. We treated degenerative arthritis by subjoining herbs warming the Kidney to disinhibiting dampness and supplementing the Governor and Conception vessels to strengthen tendons and bones.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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