The common symptoms of non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, in terms of limb weakness, in the middle and late stages of the disease, in addition to continued support with drugs, rehabilitation or acupuncture intervention of traditional Chinese medicine is required. Discharged patients often reduce the frequency of acupuncture to the hospital due to inconvenience. The treatment effect can be continued through the home care of Chinese medicine. This article provides a case for reference. This case is a 60-year-old housewife who regularly took anticoagulants due to carotid atherosclerosis before the onset. On July 16, 2020, he suddenly fainted at home with vomiting. The emergency MRI examination showed acute hemorrhage of the left optic thalamus. After the cranial decompression operation, the patient will be consulted with Chinese medicine acupuncture intervention, and after discharge from the hospital, he will be treated by Chinese medicine at home acupuncture, combined with decoction of Chinese medicinal materials and scientific Chinese medicine. In terms of treatment results, the muscle strength at discharge was (RU/RL/LU/LL=2/2/2/2). Received 3 months of home care, 1 to 2 treatments per week, 14 times in total, the muscle strength of the limbs increased to (RU/RL/LU/LL=3/4/3/4), and he could practice walking with support. In this case, the recovery condition was good after continuation of treatment at home by Chinese medicine practitioners. Discharged patients often interrupt treatment due to inconvenience, and Chinese medicine home care can provide patients with continuous treatment and reduce treatment interruptions.
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