


Audit Style and Financial Statement Comparability: A Perspective of Audit Groups in the Big 4 Accounting Firms




薛敏正(Min-Jeng Shiue);郭俐君(Li-Chun Kuo);秦嘉偉(Chia-Wei Chin);邱律嘉(Lu-Jia Chiu)


查核風格 ; 財務報表可比較性 ; 四大會計師事務所 ; 事務所組別 ; audit style ; financial statement comparability ; Big 4 ; audit group




16卷1期(2020 / 07 / 01)


1 - 35






The quality of corporate financial statements is closely related to how they are compiled and audited by all users involved in their preparation. Recently, the comparability of financial statements has drawn great attention. This study aims to explore the relevance of audit work and financial statement comparability by examining Taiwan's listed companies audited by the Big 4 from 2013 to 2015. The empirical results illustrate that the overall audit styles of different accounting firms affect the comparability of financial statements. Specifically, the Big 4 have different audit styles from each other. This study focuses on the audit groups within the accounting firms and investigates the association between the audit groups and financial statement comparability. The results indicate that the same audit group will yield higher comparability after controlling the diversity of the group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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