


The Impact of Revenue Key Audit Matters on the Difference between Self-declared and Audited Revenue




鄭桂蕙(Kuei-Hui Cheng);戴敏育(Min-Yuh Day);林孝倫(Hsiao-Lun Lin)


收入關鍵查核事項 ; 溝通價值 ; 文字探勘 ; 查核程序 ; Revenue key audit matters ; Communication value ; Text-mining ; Audit procedures




17卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


309 - 356






This study examines whether the audit procedures of revenue key audit matters interpret the difference between self-declared and audited revenue. We use data from 2016 to 2018 for listed companies in Taiwan as the sample and employ text and data mining to retrieve the relevant procedures in revenue audits. The results show that when auditors disclose that further audit procedures (FAPs) were performed but not risk assessment procedures (RAPs), the higher the number of audit procedures, the higher the level of difference between self-declared and audited revenue. However, when auditors disclose RAPs and FAPs on audit reports, the difference between self-declared and audit revenue is lower when the number of RAPs is high and the number of FAPs is low. The result supports the relevance of the auditor's disclosure of the relevant audit procedures in the audit report, which helps to communicate enterprise-specific information to the users of the audit report and enhances the communication value of the audit report.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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