


Visual Analytics of Accounting Theses and Dissertations--Empirical Results under Big Data




林昱成(Yu-Cheng Lin);盧鈺欣(Yu-Hsin Lu);林懿範(Yi-Fan Lin)


文獻計量學 ; 共詞分析 ; 視覺化分析 ; 學位論文 ; Bibliometrics ; Co-Word Analysis ; Visual Analytics ; Theses and Dissertations




17卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


357 - 402




學位論文是重要的學術文獻資源,亦可顯示相關領域的研究發展與趨勢。本文以國家圖書館建置之「臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統」資料庫為樣本來源,蒐集近33年(73~105學年)會計相關系(所)共計12,842篇博碩士學位論文之關鍵字作為研究分析樣本,藉由共詞分析方法(Co-word Analysis),探索國內會計相關系(所)學位論文研究議題並以視覺化方式呈現實證結果。研究結果除顯示各階段重要研究議題外,更發現一、跨領域人才需求引領會計相關系(所),走向多元學科之結合與應用;二、論文數量逐年增加,至103學年達到最高峰,爾後則呈現減少現象;三、財務會計議題為最大宗,審計議題次之,管理會計議題再次之;四、會計研究議題呈現多元及跨領域結合與應用的趨勢。


The purpose of this study is to use big data to show the trends and development of accounting research. We applied co-word analysis and visual analytics to provide the empirical results. Since dissertation represents the development and trends of academic research, we collect the keywords from the 12,842 accounting area theses and dissertations in the past thirty-three years (from 73 to 105 academic year) from the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. The empirical results are shown as the following: (1) The demand of interdisciplinary experts will lead accounting departments into combination and application of multi-courses. (2) Theses and dissertations in accounting area were in the highest peak in the academic year of 103. (3) The issues related to financial accounting are most extensively examined followed by auditing, and management accounting. 4. Accounting issues present a trend of combination and application of interdisciplinary and multi-courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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