


Researches on Women's Autobiographies in Modern China: Reviews and Prospects




洪珮菁(Pei-Jing Hong)


女性自傳 ; 自傳研究 ; Women's autobiography ; Autobiography research




復刊3期=24期(2012 / 09 / 01)


263 - 293






Autobiography is one of the few literary genres used by women. Thanks to women's autobiographies, we can now have a more comprehensive understanding of women's history, while escaping from the historical perspective of men. This article first discusses the significance and particularity of women's autobiographies before reviewing Western and Chinese studies on the topic. This discussion will enable us to answer the following questions: how do historical studies differ from literary ones? And how were the main features of the study of Chinese women's autobiographies formed? In answer to the first question, this article wishes to emphasize the importance of time in autobiographies: not only does the narrative of this genre of writing progresses from past to present, but autobiographers are also engaged in a continuous dialogue with the past. As to the second question, this study argues that theories should be used against the historical, cultural, and social backgrounds of both China and the West. On the one hand, this method makes it possible to avoid emphasizing theory at the expense of facts; an exaggerated reliance on theories can easily lead to a failure to understand whether similarities between China and the West have their origins in gender or culture. On the other hand, we can thus prevent the study of Chinese women's autobiographies from becoming a mere footnote to an explanation of Western theories on autobiography.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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