


A Study on the Relationship between Civil Service Examinations and Official Achievements of Southeastern Literati in the Late Tang Dynasty




黃庭碩(Ting-Shuo Huang)


文化重心南移 ; 東南士人 ; 科舉 ; 仕宦 ; 階層化 ; the shift of Chinese cultural centre from north to south ; southeastern literati ; civil service examinations ; official career ; social stratification




復刊6期=27期(2015 / 09 / 01)


1 - 87






With the rise of economic conditions and cultural promotion in the southeastern region after the An Lu-shan Rebellion, literati coming from the southeastern region became more and more active in cultural field. One important phenomenon was the apparently increasing number and proportion of southeaster "jinshi" holders, compared to the former Tang Dynasty. However, until now, we still do not have a comprehensive understanding about the composition and background of these southeastern "jinshi" and their official achievements. Accordingly, this article attempt to give an elementary analysis to this question. This article has two main findings. First, the social backgrounds of the southeastern "jinshi" were diverse. There were similar proportions of southeastern "jinshi" who come from the national aristocracy, provincial aristocracy and ordinary families, according to the Mao Han-kuang's (毛漢光) social classification of Tang Dynasty. As time continued to pass, the number of this final category gradually came to exceed the sum of the former two. This phenomena reflects that the increasing cultural power of the ordinary southern literati on the one hand, and on the other hand the trend highlights that the Tang civil service examinations did indeed provide a certain opportunity of upward flow to these ordinary literati. At the same time, we also need to be aware that the total number of literati coming from ordinary families was far beyond the sum of aristocracies and provincial elites, which indicates that the ordinary literati encountered more difficulty in obtaining a "jinshi" degree than the others. Secondly, there was deep relationship between the social background and official attainments of the southeastern "jinshi" holders. For example, a "jinshi" coming from an aristocratic family had better opportunities to be promoted to a senior official position. It was also not a difficult task for a "jinshi" coming from a provincial elite family to rise to the middle or senior level. Comparatively, a "jinshi" coming from an ordinary family had little chance of becoming a senior official. Considering the high proportion of literati coming from ordinary families in the southeastern "jinshi", the overall official attainments of these southeastern "jinshi" were bound to be limited. In the grand scheme, although the Tang civil service examinations did create some social mobility, the degree to which it did so was not enough to break through the solid social stratification of the Tang Dynasty. This is why the southeastern literati in the late Tang Dynasty could not successfully transform their increasing cultural capital into political achievements. It was only after the continuous outbreaks of rebellions at the end of the Tang dynasty that the medieval social order was thoroughly destroyed. This allowed for the southeastern literati to have relatively equal opportunities during the pursuit of career achievements by their cultural abilities without consideration to their backgrounds.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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